Aztec ritual sacrifice. Codex Mendoza, created by indigenous scribes, 1541-1542
The purpose of the conference is to study, perhaps for the first time, the impact of the passing of Jacques Lacan
Mexico. In The object of psychoanalysis, March 23, 1966,
Lacan spoke of his first U.S. tour and then for this country.
If each session of the seminar is important, this one is particularly
who practice psychoanalysis in Mexico.
other hand, this time addressed key issues Lacan: psychoanalysis is a hermeneutic
? Lacan answers emphatically no, and gives the reasons for this;
in this discussion what is at stake is the status of psychoanalytic interpretation,
nothing less. That meeting also raised another important question: what is the
Lacan's structuralism? He asked the question and in the act, said
studying the relationship between desire and demand the topological object called bull.
In criticizing Paul Ricoeur's book Freud an interpretation of culture,
interpretation of dreams is at the heart of the lesson so it's no coincidence
to deal with the mural of Diego Rivera's Dream
Sunday afternoon at the Alameda Central. With him, Lacan explains one of the three modes of
distinguished past that day: the past perfect. That past is different from that of the
repetition, well known to psychoanalysts, but also unlike a
had a very particular and specific to Mexico, according to Lacan: a past that
are signs with which something is broken forever, but still there
visibly translating a relationship maintained with the object, sensitive in
ancient cults, the Aztec sacrifices, to which the conquistadors and missionaries
only saw horror and idolatry . Do see today from somewhere else?
may be that the ancient religion of the Aztecs no longer exist, but Lacan says
is an invisible bond that passes through the inevitable rupture between generations of Mexican
. Detected argues that representations of the gods Mexica
that are everywhere. The relationship preserved with these representations
gods, implies that, while signs, produce a significant degradation that manifests as
shame. If Lacan speaks of the shame of being alive,
We can add a shame for specific traits
Mexican. That shame is often present in the free associations of analysands
For all these reasons, addressing the issue of "Lacan in Mexico" can not be separated
one point in his seminar at the end of the other side of psychoanalysis, where
praise makes a real shame for their relationship with real. Even holding
that shame is the reverse of psychoanalysis and he makes no ontology, but a hontologie
(honte = shame). Hence
shame is an excellent starting point when it comes to
Subjectification getting to make a complete analysis.
Helena Maldonado Gabriel Meraz
Miguel Hernández Manuel Gasteasoro
Venue: Alliance Française de San Angel
Date: Sunday February 13, 2011
Time: 9:30 am to 14 hours
Cost: $ 500 Students $ 300. The cost of recovery will be allocated to
activities and conditions of the École lacanienne the psychanalyse.
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