Prologue, 1886
By then raging in my own painful and patient struggle against all inclination fundamentally unscientific romantic pessimism, which wants to transform a few experiences universal personal judgments, amplifying them to want to condemn the world ... in a word, he turned back my eyes ... So I forced myself, doctor and patient at the same time, a climate of soul against my soul old and not yet experienced
... The same life rewards us our stubborn will to life, in this long war, as I had then, against the pessimism of lassitude, and rewards us because of all throws watchful eye that our recognition, not let out any offering of life, even if the smallest and most transient. She gives us, however, the gift that can occur: us back our task .
... And I start to think more and more that my travel books were not written for me only, as it seemed at times ... "I can recommend especially taking into consideration that those who are afflicted by a" past "and have, moreover, conscious enough to suffer for spirit of its past? But above all, to you who have the hardest task, rare men, intellectuals and brave, you, the most exposed of all, you must be aware the modern soul, and as such, have their science ; you on those appointments are all that can be today's diseases, poisonous and dangerous, you are destined to be sicker than any other individual because you are not just "individuals "...; you who have the consolation of knowing the way of a new health, and alas! to follow the path of a health tomorrow and after tomorrow
(6) Against imaginative. The imaginative denies the truth to himself, the liar only to others.
(7) enmity against the light. If someone makes him realize that, strictly speaking, you can not really talk anymore, but only of probability, is generally not concealed by the joy of him who thus instructed, how they prefer men uncertainty intellectual horizon as hate at the bottom of his soul, the truth because of their accuracy. Is this because we all secretly fear of falling Once upon them the light of truth too hard? Want to suggest something and therefore should not know exactly what they are? Or is only the fear of a brighter light, to which his soul mole, crepuscular and easy to dazzle, are not used, so you have to hate the light?
(8) Christian Skepticism . Now comes willingly to Pilate, to your question: "What is truth?" As counsel of Christ, and this is suspected to everything that is known and worth knowing, pass it by appearance, order to build on the horrible bottom of the impossibility of knowing: the Cross!
(20) Truth tolerates no other gods . Belief in truth begins with doubt on all the "truths" that it was believed until now.
(21) on what is required silence. If we speak of free thought as an issue among the glaciers and polar seas, who does not want to embark offended, as if they reproached her hesitation or weakness of legs. When we do not feel up to a difficult thing, do not tolerate the mention in front of us.
(33) Wanting to be fair and want to be a judge . There is an error, not only in the sense: "I am responsible", but in this opposition: "I'm not, but it must be somebody." But this is not true! It is therefore necessary that the philosopher says, as the Christ: "Judge not!" And the last philosophical distinction between the brain and other would be that the former want to be fair while The latter want to be judges .
(37) Cheating in love. Voluntarily forget certain things from our past, throw head deliberately, because we wish to see the image that reflects our past, lie and flatter ourselves, we work relentlessly in this deception ourselves. And you will believe you, who speak both "self-forgetfulness in love", the "abandonment of self to another person" ye that boast all this: you will believe that this is something fundamentally different? We break the mirror, we become by imagination in another person you admire, and enjoy from the moment of our new image, but we designate the name of someone else, this whole process would not be self-delusion, selfishness? Asombráis Me! I think that those who are hiding something himself and who, together, they hide themselves, they seem to commit a robbery in which the treasure of knowledge. From which must be reduced to what crime he warns the axiom: "Know thyself."
(39) Why stupidity often become perverse s. To the objections of our adversary against which our brain feels too weak, our heart responds suspicious of the motives of these objections.
Here are some gems to be found in open The passenger and his shadow Nietzsche completes its Human, All Too Human . Has no waste, and continues today, perhaps more than ever. One feature that highlights a great thinker of the great mass of fashion writers for mass consumption, which are quickly forgotten and is then passed to another product consumption. Nietzsche is too difficult and too stodgy for such readers, collectors of "culture."
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