Monday, February 28, 2011

Is Laura Mercier Non Comedogenic

The sorry state of psychology "Jung," according to Wolfgang Giegerich

In an article of his recently published book ("The Soul Always Thinks", vol 4. Inglés Collected Papers - "Always Think Soul, vol. 4 of the Articles in English Gathered" ), Wolfgang Giegerich writes:

"The problem arises when it is (also) inherent in the logic of psychology, namely their religious character" subjective "is taken as a license to gratify the ego in its subjectivity with all its idiosyncrasies , defects, and needs and desires. I would say that this problem is the normal state of the status of Jungian psychology. For those who become or are Jungian, psychology usually serves the purpose of self-gratification, self-indulgence. It is an ego-trip . The people who come in Jungian psychology or the archetypal are mostly attracted to her because she expect it to provide comfort to their deep discontent with the modern world, with enormous intellectual demands posed to anyone who participates in it with the abstraction of modern life, its religious and metaphysical vacuum, and secondly because it can offer meaning, a kind of belief system, ideology, and thus serve as a substitute, religion, and third this place can offer all immediately, without further ado, because they think that everyone already carries within him all the treasures you want. With regard to this belief system, one does not even have to undergo fixed articles of faith have to be studied in order to understand properly. And do not really have to believe at all, in the sense of a binding belief with practical consequences. Instead, all it requires is (a) experienced self and self experienced or (b) indulge images, myths, symbols. Ultimately all what it is experienced , as just any image, any myth. There are no criteria of truth. Not required hard work, no discipline, no understanding. Beautiful pictures and some mantras take the place of thought. An intellectual land becomes readily available cocaine meaning while you sleep (dreams!) And that the mind is awake, has in store a lot of food-fast (fast-food ) intellectual and sentimental food babies. This kind of psychology serves the emotional and ideological people. "

And in a recent e-mail in private, to my comment Jungian psychologists who do not understand Hegel or have a proper philosophical training, Giegerich responded by writing:
"Not only that Jungians have a faulty philosophical training. I also think that for the most part do not need or use thought. Jungian become precisely because they want to "experience" archetypal images and "feel" and have something to believe. So what I do is therefore unfair to them. It's like Bach or Mozart to offer someone who bought a ticket for a rock concert "

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Miss Phiten En Streaming

The singular and universal "irrelevantificación" by W. Giegerich

I just published on the website of Centro Enrique Eskenazi transcription
Ale Bica made a kind of course "The Logic of Life Alma: Analytical Psychology and Dialectics " in January 2009

That article reads:
" Each phase had and has its moment of truth. The individual has its limits. One can say "the story ends here." Not so. Ended here, in any case, but the thing is running. Where you end up not just by conscience, only just you. Consciousness is way beyond you. You can put up to consciousness, but not create it, for it is created even one. Is one who has to get where it is already the thing. Hegel said: "the bird of Minerva flies at dusk." Minerva is Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the symbol of philosophy and your bird is the owl. Hence, the owl is traditionally the symbol of philosophical thought, because he sees in the dark. Being Wisdom consciousness, it is always late. Is to realize what is already happening. Be aware not to create something that had not, but rather to come home to what is already, but still be recognized. The reality operates independently of individual consciousness. It is the individual consciousness which you can get where the action is. The timing of explicit, and thus becomes aware, is not the moment it happens. Consciousness always comes later. However, comes later and may drop because it has produced. But that has occurred and has not yet reached the consciousness impossible to transition to new stages. This means the beginning of a new stage understanding is possible only when consciousness has been coming to the stage where it is already. Just then, begins to have the new stage, that that consciousness did not notice. It's like the transition from consciousness to the world the individual person or collective consciousness. It's like a catch up.

For example, in personal life might be the logical structure in which a move has already transcended the needs of children, but maybe the ego has been anchored in infant stages. One may still want to play ball and make you feel guilty and have to make an effort to play ball as before, when not cost no effort, and he refuses and live spontaneously conflictively what is happening in it.

Another example is the emergence of sexuality, which is not a voluntary act, nor is the result of any decision or no preparation. There comes a time when the desire is triggered and acts, and acts beyond the self. But is the "I" have to consciously win this is already happening in spite of myself.

The characteristic of the human being is to be a natural that things can live in a natural stadium course, what the alchemists called unio naturalis. To man the thing exists (becomes effective, real) when it becomes conscious. That's why we primarily, primarily children of consciousness. Even what we call a body, is experienced through consciousness. Therefore, sexuality in the human being is never a natural phenomenon. Not that the first is natural. It is always the achievement that makes the consciousness of a process which is already involved, but as yet not conscious, is merely an external fact, is not "soul." It is through ownership by the psychological consciousness and thus becomes "real."

To read the article just sting here

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where Can I Buy St Dalfour In Uae

"There are no pills that will cure this." Jacques Lacan, interview in Italy (1974) Lacan in Mexico

In the fall of 1974 Lacan traveled to Italy for the third time . Offered several conferences (including "Third") and activities of the school said he founded ten years ago (the Freudienne École de Paris). Without doubt, this was one of the key moments in the course of the Lacanian school, a real turning point in its travel product of work on the Borromean knots, it would lead to Lacan to rethinking, in crucial respects, the relationship between the categories of the triad, and the place would end up having (in relation to them) in order to lowercase, all from the possibility of formalizing , offered him a new script. The interview offer, originally granted to the magazine Panorama (but unpublished until 2004, was recovered by Magazine litteraire), bears witness to some of the doctrinal changes of the last tranche of own sectional charge of Lacan, for example, the symptom seen as coming from the real, or the antinomy between real and the impossible. At the request of the interviewer, Lacan is manifested in "a less Lacanian"-but in words very topical-issues as the place of the analysis to science and religion, " sexual revolution, "or allegedly transmitted his style seal. Above all, it runs with frankness about the specificity of psychoanalytic practice, practice, he said, "that deals with what is wrong." By the way, was also time of the "psycho-drug revolution." That
enjoy reading. Emilio

Magazine litteraire

"Every time we talk more often than the crisis of psychoanalysis. It is said that Sigmund Freud is outdated, modern society has found that her work is not man enough to understand or to play back your relationship with the world.

JL "These are stories. First, the crisis. There is no such crisis, it can not be. Psychoanalysis has not yet found its own limits. There is still much to discover in practice and knowledge. In psychoanalysis is no immediate solution, only the long and patient investigation of the reasons. Secondly, Freud.
How can I tell which is obsolete if we have not yet fully understood? What is certain is that we have released completely new things that even he would have imagined before. Since the problems of the unconscious to the importance of sexuality, from access to the symbolic to the subject to the laws of language.
His doctrine calls into question the truth is a matter that concerns each and every one personally. It's very different from a crisis. I repeat: we are far from Freud. His name is also used to cover many things, there have been deviations, the followers have not always followed closely the model, have created confusion. After his death in 1939, some of his students also tried to exercise otherwise psychoanalysis, reducing education to a banal formula: the art as ritual, practice restricted to treatment of behavior, and as a means of rehabilitation of the individual to social environment. Is the negation of Freud, psychoanalysis comfort of living.
Freud himself anticipated. He used to say that there are three untenable positions, three impossible tasks: to govern, educate and exercise in psychoanalysis. In our days, no matter who assumes the responsibility to govern and create everyone educator. As psychoanalysts, thank God, thrive, such as magicians and healers. Propose to help people means a guaranteed success, and the clientele runs over their doors. Psychoanalysis is something else.

- Exactly what?

JL-I define it as a symptom, indicative of the disease of civilization in which we live. It is certainly not a philosophy. I hate philosophy, long ago it does not say anything interesting. Psychoanalysis is not a Faith and I like to call it science. Call it a practice and dealing with what is wrong. Terribly difficult as it seeks to introduce into daily life impossible, imaginary. Has had some success so far but still has no rules and lends itself to all sorts of misunderstandings.
must not forget that this is something new, either with regard to medicine, or psychology and its annexes. It is also very young. Freud died only 35 years. His first book, The Interpretation of Dreams, was published in 1900, with little success. It sold, I think, 300 copies in several years. He had few pupils, who are took for mad, and they were not even agree on how to implement and interpret what they had learned.

- What is what is wrong with people today?

JL "It's that great disgust, life as a result of the trend of progress. Through psychoanalysis, people expect to go venturing as far as dragging the boredom.

- What drives people to become psychoanalysis?

JL "Fear. When things happen, even things you want, things you do not understand, man feels fear. Suffers from not understanding and gradually falls into a state of panic. It is the neurosis. In the hysterical neurosis, the body sick with fear of being sick, without you actually are. In obsessional neurosis, fear gets weird things in mind, we can not control thoughts, phobias, in which the forms and objects acquire different meanings aroused fear.

- what?

JL-The neurotic feels compelled by a tremendous need to go dozens of times check if a faucet is really closed. Or if something is in place, yet knowing with certainty that the water is as it should be and that things are in place to be. There are no pills that will cure this. We must discover why this happens and we know what it means.

- And the cure?

JL "The neurotic is a patient who is cured with the word, and above all with their own word. You should talk, tell, explain itself. Freud defined psychoanalysis as the assumption by the subject of its own history, to the extent that it is constituted por la palabra dirigida a otro. El psicoanálisis es el reino de la palabra, no hay otro remedio. Freud explicaba que el inconsciente no es tan profundo como inaccesible a un examen profundo de lo consciente. Y decía que en ese inconsciente, el que habla es un sujeto dentro del sujeto, trascendiendo al sujeto. La palabra es la gran fuerza del psicoanálisis.

-¿La palabra de quién, del enfermo o del psicoanalista?

J.L.– En el psicoanálisis los términos “enfermo”, “medicina”, “remedio” no son más precisos que las fórmulas pasivas que adoptamos commonly. When we speak of "becoming psychoanalyze" make a mistake. Who does the real work in the analysis is the speaker, the subject under review. Although it does so in the manner suggested by the analyst who tells you how to proceed, and help through their interventions. He also provides a simple interpretación.A view, it seems to make sense of what is in the analysis. In fact, the interpretation is more subtle, tending to blur the meaning of the things that the individual suffers. The aim is to show through his own account, the symptom, say the disease is unrelated to anything, which is devoid of any sense possible. Although apparently is real, does not exist.
The ways in which this act comes from the word require much practice and endless patience. Patience and measurement are the instruments of psychoanalysis. The technique is able to measure the assistance given to individual review. Consequently, psychoanalysis is difficult.

"When Jacques Lacan speaks of this name is inevitably associated with a formula, the" return "to Freud What does this mean?

JL-Exactly what it says. Psychoanalysis is Freud. If you want to psychoanalysis, one must return to Freud, by its terms and definitions, read and interpreted literally. I founded a school in Paris, Freud precisely with this objective. More than 20 years ago I explain my point of view: Freud means simply returning to clear the ground of deviations and mistakes of existential phenomenology such as institutional formalism psychoanalytic societies, taking up teaching reading Freud as the principles defined and listed from their work. Rereading Freud means simply reread Freud. Who does not in psychoanalysis, uses a formula abusive.

"But Freud is difficult. And it says that Lacan makes it frankly incomprehensible. In Lacan is criticized mostly talk and write about a handle such that only a few fans can hope to understand.

JL-I know, I have a dark hiding his thoughts behind a curtain of smoke. I wonder why. A purpose of the analysis, again with Freud that it is "inter-play through which the truth comes into the real" Is not it obvious? But psychoanalysis is not just kid stuff.
My books are defined as incomprehensible But why Why? Not write for all the world to be understood by all. On the contrary, I never took care in the slightest to please any reader, whoever he is. I had things to say and I said. I just have a reading public. If you do not understand, patience. As the number of readers, I've had better luck than Freud. My books are even read, that surprised me.
I am also convinced that in ten years maximum, which I read will find all transparent, like a good glass of beer. Maybe then they will say: 'This Lacan, banality'. "

- What are the characteristics of Lacan?

JL-It is too early to tell, since the Lacanism not yet exist. Just feel your scent, like a premonition.
In any case, Lacan is a man who practice psychoanalysis from at least 40 years and that during all those years he has studied. I believe in structuralism and the science of language. I wrote in my book that "what leads Freud's discovery is the enormity of the order in which we have entered, in which we were born a second time, if it is meant well, leaving quite rightly been called infans, without a word. "
The symbolic order on which Freud based his discovery is constituted by language as a universal discourse time of concrete. Is the world a word that creates the world of things, initially confused in everything that will happen. Only words can give full meaning to the essence of things. Without the words, nothing would exist What would be the pleasure without the intermediary of the word?
My idea is that Freud, enunciated in his earlier works - The Interpretation of Dreams Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Totem and Taboo, the laws of the unconscious, was the precursor of the application of the theories with which a few years later Ferdinand de Saussure would open the way for modern linguistics. This is subject, like everything else, the laws of language. Only words can breed and give consistency. Without language, humanity would not advance a single step in the research on thinking. This is the case of psychoanalysis. Whatever role is assigned, the agent of healing, training or survey, only one through which we serve: the word of the patient. And every word deserves a response.

- then is analysis as a dialogue. There are people interpret it more as a substitute for confession.

But what denomination? He did not confess anything to the psychoanalyst. One is carried away to say things simply, everything that goes through your head. Words, precisely. The discovery of psychoanalysis is the man and animal speaker. It is for the analyst to sort the words you hear and give them a meaning, a meaning. To make a good analysis, we need an agreement, the alliance between the analysand and analyst.
Through speech one, the other trying to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is and discover beyond symptom hard knot apparent truth. The other function of the analyst is to explain the meaning of the words to make the patient understand what to expect from the analysis.

- is a relationship of extreme trust.

JL "Rather an exchange where it is important that one speaks and another listens. Also silence. The analyst asks questions and has no ideas. Only gives the answers you want to give the issues raised by his desire. But in the end the end, the analysis always goes where it leads the analyst.

- Just talking about the cure Is there a chance to heal? "Overcoming the neurosis?

JL-Psychoanalysis triumphs when cleaning the ground, leaving the symptom, leaving the real. That is, when it comes to the truth.

- Can you state the same concept in a less Lacanian?

symptom JL-I call everything that comes from the real. And true to everything that is wrong, that does not work, which opposes human life and the clash of their personalities. The real thing always comes back to the same place. I always find there with the same faces. Scientists are right to say that nothing is impossible in reality. It takes a toupee sacred to say things like that, or, as I suppose, the total ignorance of what is done and said.
The real and the impossible are antithetical, can not go together. The analysis pushes the individual toward the impossible, we suggest you consider the world as it truly is imaginary, not significant. While real, like a ravenous bird, merely nurtured sense of things, actions that have a meaning.
hear again that we must make sense of this or that, to his own thoughts, their own aspirations, desires, sex, life. But we know nothing about anything about life. The scholars are striving to explain it.
My fear is that by its failure, the real, this monstrous thing that does not exist, end up taking it, and drag. Science replaces religion and is more despotic, obtuse and obscurantist. There is a god-atom, a god-space, etc. If science and religion wins, psychoanalysis is finished.

- In our days, that the relationship between science and psychoanalysis?

JL-To me, the only real science, serious, forward, is science fiction. The other officer, which has its altars in laboratories, groping, without balance. And even begins to be afraid of his shadow.
seems wise to them is reaching the moment of anguish. In its aseptic laboratories in their starched gowns, those old boys who play with things unknown, making ever more complicated devices and inventing ever more obscure ways, they begin to wonder what may come tomorrow, where his research will eventually lead us always novel. Anyway, I wonder what if it were too later? Biologists ask it today, or physicists, chemists. To me, you're crazy. Although already in the process of changing the face of the universe, only now, in this case they happen to wonder if this could not be dangerous What if all jump? If so lovingly cultivated bacteria in the white lab were transformed into mortal enemies? What if the world was swept by a horde of these bacteria with all the crap that inhabits it, starting with those sages of the laboratories?
At three positions impossible to Freud, government, education, psychoanalysis, I would add a fourth science. Unless the wise do not know their position is untenable.

- That's a pretty pessimistic view of what we call progress.

JL "No, nothing. I'm not pessimistic. Nothing will happen. For the simple reason that man is a good for nothing, not even capable of destroying itself. Personally, I think it wonderful a total disaster caused by man. That would be the evidence that has come to do something with his hands, his head, his divine intervention, natural or other species.
All these beautiful bacteria overfed for fun scattered throughout the world as the locusts of the Bible, would mean the triumph of man. But that will not happen. Through science, fortunately, a crisis of responsibility, all enter into the order of things, as they say. I announced: the real thing will take the lead, as usual. And as always we will be happy.

- Another paradox of Jacques Lacan. He complains that, in addition to the language difficulty and obscurity of the concepts, word games, language jokes, puns on the French, and precisely the paradoxes. Whoever hears or reads it who has the right to feel disoriented.

JL "Actually, no joke, I mean very serious things. I use only the word as the sages of the I've talked to use their stills and electronic facilities. I'm always looking to refer to the experience of psychoanalysis.

- You say reality does not exist. But the average man knows that the real is the world all around him, what he sees with his eyes, he touches.

JL-Deslastrémonos this man also mean that in principle exists. There are individuals, that's all. When I hear about the common man mass phenomena and things like that, think of all the patients I've seen go through the couch in forty years of listening. None, in some measure, resembles the other, neither has the same phobias, the same anxieties, the same way to relate, the same fear of not understanding. The average man who is that? Me, you, my caretaker, the president of the republic?

- We talked about the real, the world we see all.

- Exactly. The difference between the real, that is what is wrong, and the symbolic, the imaginary, is telling the truth is that what is the real world. To confirm that the world exists, there is no world, just think of all the countless banalities fools believe the world is. And I invite my friends from Panorama, before accusing me of paradoxical, to think about what you just read.

- It seems that you are always pessimistic.

- JL "That's not true. I do not classify or between or among the distressed alarmist. It will be very unhappy the psychoanalyst who has not passed the stage of distress. True, there are things around us gruesome and devouring as television through which a large part of us is phagocytosed. But this only happens because people are left phagocytose, until they invent an interest in what they see.
Then there are other schemes also monstrous eaters: the rockets that go to the moon, research in the deep ocean, etc. All things to eat. But there is no reason to dramatize. I am sure that when we are sick of the rocket, television and all the damn vacuum research, find something else to deal with. It is a revival of religion right? And what better eating monster that religion? It is a continual feast for fun for centuries as has been demonstrated.
My response to all this, is that man has always adapted well to bad. The only real thing we can conceive, we have access is just that: you must look for a reason, to make sense of things, as we say. Otherwise, man would have no anxiety, Freud would not have become famous, and I would be secondary school teacher.

- The troubles of this nature always or anxieties are linked to certain social conditions, certain historical periods, some latitudes?

JL "The anxiety of the wise afraid of their findings may seem recent. But what we know about what happened in the past? Des dramas do other researchers? The anguish of slave labor in the production chain in the industry as a galley, is the anguish of today. Or, more simply, is linked with other definitions and words today.

- But what is anxiety for psychoanalysis?

JL "Something that is beyond our body, a fear, but nothing that the body, including the spirit, can motivate. Fear of fear Brief. Many of these fears, many of these anxieties, the level that we perceive has to do with sex. Freud said that sexuality, for speaking animal called man, has no cure and no hope. One task of the analyst is found in the word of the patient the relationship between anxiety and sex, the great unknown.

- Today, when sex is being circulated everywhere, sex movies, sex on stage, television, sex, sex in newspapers, on the tracks, on beaches, it is said that people feel less anxiety about the problems linked to the sexual sphere. The taboos have fallen, they say, sex no longer scary.

JL-La sexomanía invasion is nothing more than an advertising phenomenon. Psychoanalysis is a serious thing that has to do, I repeat, with a strictly personal relationship between two individuals: the subject and the analyst. There is no collective psychoanalysis, and no mass anxiety or neurosis.
That sex is put on the agenda at every turn, treated as a detergent in the carousels televised either involves no promise of benefit. I'm not saying that's bad. Certainly not enough to treat anxiety and particular problems. The starting fashion that fake liberalization that gives us a good granted from above, for allegedly permissive society. But is not at the level of psychoanalysis.

[This text was recovered by the French magazine Magazine littéraire 428, February 2004]

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Zodiac Activ Alessandro Genovesi

Christianity as a psychological phenomenon: Class of February 23, 2011

In this class taught by E. Eskenazi on 23 February in the Library Sto. Domingo, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas part of "Christianity as psychological phenomenon," he continues with reading and commenting on the article by W. Giegerich, published in 1983, "The Burial of the soul in a technological civilization." Giegerich argued here that technology is the true religious the Christian West, the expression of what Jung called symbolic life: an autonomous spiritual life demands and invites human beings to become real .
The class can be heard here itching.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Diagram How To Build A Rabbit Hutch

Another outfit

Hello bloggers, lately I've entered blog monkey, so i update until I see hard, haha. And with the monkey blog, I got an account Trendtation, I will be uploading sets. However, if you want to know where are the clothes of these photos, you have to click here, go straight to my Trendtation. We read.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Manulife Good Investment

Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week: Amaya Arzuaga

Good, bloggers.
Today I took the morning off to enjoy the parade of Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week, where designers present their proposals for the autumn winter 2012. This morning marched Alianto, David Dolphin and Kina Fernandez, but not here to talk about any of them, but the collection presented yesterday Amaya Arzuaga, which dominated the camel and black leather. I was duped.

As I said, the star colors were black and camel. Use the leather to create shirts and dresses straight cuts, as well as adjusted cigarette.

bet on dresses and skirts, along the lines of the cuts. In addition to the camel and black left to see items in red, green, turquoise ...

addition to these cuts as straight and aggressive enough to see light clothing and beautiful falls, and a combination of both , following the property palette of the collection.

the pants are as skinny black leather with a waist volumes.

skins and wool gained the title role in the shelters, from the range of black and camel check the main line to the green.

I believe has been a superb collection, I liked very much and would certainly not all, most of the items presented.


Saturday, February 19, 2011


Nietzsche The passenger and his shadow

Prologue, 1886

Here balance towards life, serenity and even the recognition of life here will dominate a severe, haughty, always alert, constantly irritable, a will has set itself the task of defending life against suffering and to remove all of the conclusions to arise like poisonous mushrooms on the ground of suffering, disappointment, of boredom, isolation and other wetlands. A pessimist may be found in my works precious indications to examine himself, because that was when I rip this sentence: "A man who suffers not even
right to pessimism!".
By then raging in my own painful and patient struggle against all inclination fundamentally unscientific romantic pessimism, which wants to transform a few experiences universal personal judgments, amplifying them to want to condemn the world ... in a word, he turned back my eyes ... So I forced myself, doctor and patient at the same time, a climate of soul against my soul old and not yet experienced

... The same life rewards us our stubborn will to life, in this long war, as I had then, against the pessimism of lassitude, and rewards us because of all throws watchful eye that our recognition, not let out any offering of life, even if the smallest and most transient. She gives us, however, the gift that can occur: us back our task .

... And I start to think more and more that my travel books were not written for me only, as it seemed at times ... "I can recommend especially taking into consideration that those who are afflicted by a" past "and have, moreover, conscious enough to suffer for spirit of its past? But above all, to you who have the hardest task, rare men, intellectuals and brave, you, the most exposed of all, you must be aware the modern soul, and as such, have their science ; you on those appointments are all that can be today's diseases, poisonous and dangerous, you are destined to be sicker than any other individual because you are not just "individuals "...; you who have the consolation of knowing the way of a new health, and alas! to follow the path of a health tomorrow and after tomorrow

(6) Against imaginative. The imaginative denies the truth to himself, the liar only to others.

(7) enmity against the light. If someone makes him realize that, strictly speaking, you can not really talk anymore, but only of probability, is generally not concealed by the joy of him who thus instructed, how they prefer men uncertainty intellectual horizon as hate at the bottom of his soul, the truth because of their accuracy. Is this because we all secretly fear of falling Once upon them the light of truth too hard? Want to suggest something and therefore should not know exactly what they are? Or is only the fear of a brighter light, to which his soul mole, crepuscular and easy to dazzle, are not used, so you have to hate the light?

(8) Christian Skepticism . Now comes willingly to Pilate, to your question: "What is truth?" As counsel of Christ, and this is suspected to everything that is known and worth knowing, pass it by appearance, order to build on the horrible bottom of the impossibility of knowing: the Cross!

(20) Truth tolerates no other gods . Belief in truth begins with doubt on all the "truths" that it was believed until now.

(21) on what is required silence. If we speak of free thought as an issue among the glaciers and polar seas, who does not want to embark offended, as if they reproached her hesitation or weakness of legs. When we do not feel up to a difficult thing, do not tolerate the mention in front of us.

(33) Wanting to be fair and want to be a judge . There is an error, not only in the sense: "I am responsible", but in this opposition: "I'm not, but it must be somebody." But this is not true! It is therefore necessary that the philosopher says, as the Christ: "Judge not!" And the last philosophical distinction between the brain and other would be that the former want to be fair while The latter want to be judges .

(37) Cheating in love. Voluntarily forget certain things from our past, throw head deliberately, because we wish to see the image that reflects our past, lie and flatter ourselves, we work relentlessly in this deception ourselves. And you will believe you, who speak both "self-forgetfulness in love", the "abandonment of self to another person" ye that boast all this: you will believe that this is something fundamentally different? We break the mirror, we become by imagination in another person you admire, and enjoy from the moment of our new image, but we designate the name of someone else, this whole process would not be self-delusion, selfishness? Asombráis Me! I think that those who are hiding something himself and who, together, they hide themselves, they seem to commit a robbery in which the treasure of knowledge. From which must be reduced to what crime he warns the axiom: "Know thyself."

(39) Why stupidity often become perverse s. To the objections of our adversary against which our brain feels too weak, our heart responds suspicious of the motives of these objections.

Here are some gems to be found in open The passenger and his shadow Nietzsche completes its Human, All Too Human . Has no waste, and continues today, perhaps more than ever. One feature that highlights a great thinker of the great mass of fashion writers for mass consumption, which are quickly forgotten and is then passed to another product consumption. Nietzsche is too difficult and too stodgy for such readers, collectors of "culture."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Funny Quotations On Gym


Bloggers, I must confess, I update with a bit embarrassed because I'm deadly with this blog, only to say that I will make an award that sent me Sofia a month ago ... But hey, I always said that he will said better late than never . I must say it was a very difficult task to get everything you've said for the reason I tell in the first point. And sorprendimo me a lot on the things that I agree with Sophie! Everything is completely honest, I swear by all the redheads in the world.

- Thanks to the person who gave you the award and put a link to your blog. Done.
-share seven things about you. Done
Dale award to 15 bloggers who have suffered recently. Contact them and tell them to have a prize. not done ... - BUT WILL BE VAGUE!

7 things about me:

"I do not like people to know what you think / my intentions, if I know you know a drastic change, I hate to be predictable, but unfortunately for me usually are.

"I'm very vague, hopelessly vague. (This is left intact, we agree)

"I'm sick and irrational attraction to the redheads, is inexplicable, I just love. My twitter already know this information.

Peco -ground of sincerity and sound too abrupt, which means that people are angry. (Go, go back to match, not play)

"In connection with this I'm pretty aggressive and direct (not physically speaking), do not measure my words and what seems to me, say appropriate to the situation for others can be too. The best part is that I will never be sorry.

I do not like children, I find repellent beings. (CAN NOT BE! AGAIN! THE SAME!)

"When I want something I can not stop until we get it, and them.

Right now I feel naked, know a lot eh. Come to the next entrance, an embrace bloggers.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Head Cold Stiff Neck Earache

Stefan Zweig: Nietzsche (The fight against the devil)

In the work of Stefan Zweig - The fight against the devil - the author makes a portrait Nietzsche's psychology and among other things says

"... Nietzsche's psychology does not come from their intelligence lucid hard as diamond, but is an integral part of the sensitivity characteristic of his body, he feels, sniffs, vented (My genius is in my nostrils) with physical function spontaneity of everything that is not completely healthy in human affairs and intellectuals. "An extreme loyalty before the whole world is for him not only a moral dogma, but a primary condition elemental needs for its existence. "Danger in half when I'm impure." The lack of light, the moral filth and irritate you down just as the weight of bad food spicy you oppress your stomach, your body reacts and before you make your spirit. "I have a very unpleasant irritability the instinct of purity, so that the physiologically perceive in the depths of souls, and to the area. "All that is adulterated by moralism, hurts his sense of smell unpleasantly vent and makes the lie: Frankincense, patriotic phrase or any other narcotic consciousness. It has a fine nose for anything that smells like rotten to corrupt or unhealthy, a nose that finds all intellectual meanness, so therefore the clarity, purity, cleanliness mean, for his intellect, as necessary conditions for their existence and your body is needed fresh air. "
... "may be unfair, can exaggerate sometimes, but Nietzsche never gives an inch of truth, even in the midst of ecstasy. So no one was ever as great readiness to psychology as it was Nietzsche, not a spirit was so well set up to act as a barometer of the soul, NEVER THE STUDY OF SECURITIES OWNED a precision so accurate, so sublime, as it was Nietzsche.
But psychology is not enough to have a scalpel sharp, thin, accurate, not enough to have a perfect spiritual tool, it also needs the psychologist that the hand is hard, tempered steel, you need a hand that does not shrink or shake during operation, because psychology is not achieved with the talent, but also precise nature demands the courage to THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING. In the case could be called ideal, as is that of Nietzsche, is a faculty of knowing, with a force of will to know, wanting to know. The psychologist must really want to see beyond where you can see, should not divert his mind because of sentimental indulgence, a personal shyness or an innate fear should not be lulled by scruples or feelings. These gatekeepers "whose duty is to monitor" can not have a spirit of conciliation, or magnanimity, or timid, or compassion, can not have, Finally, any weaknesses or under bourgeois or mediocre man. They are not allowed these warriors, these conquerors of the spirit, indulgently miss some really been able to capture some of their output to the discovery.
In regard to knowledge, "the blindness is not only wrong, but cowardice and indulgence is a crime, for he who is afraid or ashamed to do harm, who fear to hear the cries of unmasked or rewind the ugliness of the nude before, this has not ever discover the ultimate secret. All truth that does not reach the farthest point possible, all truth is not absolute, is not never absolute.
Hence the severity of Nietzsche and those who, through laziness or cowardice of thought, they neglect the sacred duty of the resolution, hence the anger against Kant for having introduced into his system through a secret door, driving while looking the other way, the concept of divinity, hence their anger against those that close or squint in philosophy, against the devil or the demon of darkness, and cast a veil over the last ultimate truth. There is no truth in the grand manner arising out of flattery, no big secrets to be discovered by a talk plain and familiar, is only force, violence, tenacity how nature is left to start their most precious secrets, it is thanks to the brutality of how you can make the claim, a moral high style, "the majesty and the atrocity of the endless demands." All that is hidden requires tough and uncompromising, WITHOUT RESOLUTION NO SINCERITY NI AWARENESS OF SPIRIT. " Where away my sincerity, I remain in darkness, where I know, I would also be true, ie: hard, harsh, uncompromising, cruel and inexorable. "

Available Chapter written by Zweig on Nietzsche biting on the link below

Monday, February 14, 2011

Orange County Plasma Banks

Laugh or die: how "positive thinking" misled America and the world

Excellent critical wonderful book by Barbara Ehrenreich

Jenni Murray applauds a delayed demolition of the suggestion that positive thinking is the answer to our problems

by Jenni Murray

The Observer, Sunday January 10, 2010

Occasionally a book appears that rings both your own thought, and yet fly so spectacularly against the fashionable philosophy, which comes as a profound relief reassuring. After reading Barbara Ehrenreich's book "Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking has misled America and the World" feel like I could wallow in grief, sadness, disappointment or any negative emotion that comes naturally without making me worry about that stereotype terrible, grumpy, grumpy old. However, I can be merely human: someone who does not have to be convinced that every rejection or disaster is a golden opportunity to "move on" optimistically.

Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Conned America and the World by Barbara Ehrenreich

Ehrenreich came to a critical industry billions of dollars of positive thinking (a tide of books, DVDs, instructors of life coaches and motivational speakers executive) unfortunate circumstances similar to what I had . She was diagnosed with breast cancer and, like me, found himself increasingly uncomfortable with the martial language and culture "rose" that has come to surround this disease. When I met with the brigade of "positive attitude will help you fight and survive this experience," my response has been protesting against the use of military vocabulary and ask how miserable the optimism of the "survivors" would make him feel the poor woman who was dying of breast cancer. I felt that an "invasion" cancer cells was a pure lottery. No one knows the cause. As Ehrenreich says, "I had no known risk factors, no breast cancer in the family, had my babies relatively young and nursed them both. Ate well, drank moderately, exercised and also my breasts were too small to imagine that one lump or two could improve my figure. "(Thanks to God, has not lost his sense of humor.)

I had long had suspected that the improved survival rates for women with cancer breast had absolutely nothing to do with the "power of positive thinking. It was expected that women diagnosed between 2001 and 2006, 82% survive five years, compared with only 52% diagnosed 30 years earlier. The figures can be directly related to the enhancement of detection, improved surgical techniques, greater understanding of the different types of breast cancer and develop personalized treatments. Ehrenreich presents evidence of numerous studies showing that positive thinking has no effect on survival rates and offers sad testimony of women who have been struck by what a researcher ha llamado “una carga adicional a un paciente ya devastado”.

Qué pena, por ejemplo, la mujer que escribió al gurú médico mente/cuerpo Deepak Chopra : "A pesar de que sigo los tratamientos, y he llegado lejos descargándome de sentimientos dañinos, he perdonado a todos, he cambiado mi estilo de vida para incluir la meditación, la oración, la dieta adecuada, el ejercicio y los suplementos, el cáncer sigue reproduciéndose. ¿Hay alguna una lección aquí que no entiendo, que hace que continúe apareciendo? I am positive and I will beat him, however, with each diagnosis is more difficult to maintain a positive attitude. "

As Ehrenreich goes on to explain, the exhortations to think positively (see the glass half full even when it is in pieces on the floor) are not limited to culture breast cancer rose. She referred to the susceptibility of the United States to the philosophy of positive thinking the country's Calvinist past and shows how, in his early days , a Puritan and ongoing effort requiring self-examination to the point of hating himself "terrified children small and shoved "previously healthy adults to a morbid condition of withdrawal, usually marked by physical illness and domestic terror."

only in the early 19 th century began to disappear and Calvinist clouds of gloom began to grow a new movement that would have an entourage as fervent as had been the last. It was the union of two thinkers, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby and Mary Baker Eddy , in the 1860, which led to the formulation of a vision of post-Calvinist world, known as the New Thought Movement. He imagined a new kind of God was no longer hostile and indifferent, but a powerful spirit that humans were merely to accede to control the physical world.

middle-class women found it particularly beneficial to this new style of thought that became known as the "laws of attraction." Denied any chance to fight in the world, spent his days were excluded from any other role than lying in a hammock, but the focus of New Thought and "talk therapy" developed by Quimby opened up exciting new possibilities. Mary Baker Eddy, a beneficiary of the priest, founded Christian Science. Ehrenreich notes that while this new style of positive thinking helped in the apparent helplessness or neurasthenia, had no effect on diseases such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid, tuberculosis and cholera - and not today cure cancer.

So positive thinking, the assumption that you just have to think of a thing or desiring to make it happen, he began his rapid ascent to be influential. Today, as Ehrenreich shows, has a huge impact on business, religion and the world economy. Describes visits to conferences where workers motivational speakers who just got laid off and forced to become part of the culture of short-term contracts are taught that a "good team player" is, by definition, a "positive person" that "he smiles often, does not complain, it is not overtly judgmental and gratefully submit to any requirement of the head." These are people who have less and less able to chart their own future, but thanks to the thought given positive "view of the world-a belief system, almost a religion, which assures them that would be made infinitely powerful with just being able to control their own minds."

And no one has been more vulnerable to the temptation of this philosophy that self-styled "masters of the universe," Wall Street bankers. Those of us educated to believe that saving, have an account and live with the media itself was the way to proceed, and who wonder how the hell was reduced credit and subprime disasters occurred, need not look beyond the culture that sustains positive thinking that allows anyone to fulfill their wishes. (Or, as one of the titles of the chapters of Ehrenreich's book: "God wants you rich".)

Ehrenreich's work began to explain where the cult of individualism and devastating impact it has had on the lack of collective responsibility. We must, he says, letting go of our self-absorption capacity and take action against threats that we face are climate change, conflict, feeding the hungry, the funding of scientific research or education that nurtures critical thinking. Is disturbed by stress that "do not write in a spirit of bitterness or personal disappointment, I have no romantic attachment or suffering as a source of knowledge or virtue. On the contrary, I would like to see more smiles, more laughter, more hugs, more happiness ... and the first step is how to recover the mass delusion that is positive thinking. " His book, I think, is a call for the return of common sense and, I fear, in what purports to be a work of criticism, I can only find positive things to say about it. Damn!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Digitalplayground Dvd Bangalore


Hello bloggers, long time no signs of life I have to start committing more with this, eh.
In this post I bring an extension / continuation of the video that I hung in my youtube channel . Comment which I explain in the video, so sorry for the repetition and add information we consider relevant.

on video talking about a suitcase for five days, we are depending on the days we are out, to increase or reduce the amount of clothing, but the advice I give in great video amount we will relocate the well-organized.
A suitcase, like many other things is very personal and the contents of this will depend largely on each individual, but as a guide to take what I say everyone will have to apply the story itself.

As I said we should carry basic items to combine free headaches in a hotel tomorrow, or not in a hurry, or not . My recommendation was a minimum of five basic T-shirts for the day to day and three to go to a most special occasion, here is a subject of discussion, plans, weather and personality will greatly influence this issue, apply the story to your criteria.

should also carry (from my point of view always talking) three pairs of pants, I recommend classic jeans, skinny jeans, or not, black pants and some leggings, about how basic? unlikely, also give the option to add stockings and shorts for special occasions. Any other preferences? Anything goes, "change the pants for skirts, or dresses? You Choose.

Footwear is something that supports little discussion, or not, we take some to the trot and others for our nights out, or not so nocturnal, if we specify I have chosen military boots laced booties, discúteme.

Accessories are a must in any outfit, whether day or night, a scarf, a necklace, ring, earrings or even a tail can change your presence, so do not be shy with accessories, put all you can.

As the makeup is even more personal. Structuring a little. You ask yourself what you use and do not use and from there you build your make-up bag.
For the face if you use foundation, powder or anything, it's about yours "occupy the space or leave it free? I let him free, perhaps would get a powder compact natural Mineralize Skinfinish for specific outputs.

As would blush pink or peachy tone.

Within the eye, a PREBASIC for shadows, a gel eyeliner, as it serves as much to the bottom line to the water line (in the video do not say because it is more common for an eyeliner pencil, but about likes nothing is written), a mascara and a brown shade for day to day and black makeup to get more intense. If we have could add small lollipops.

Regarding the lips I would choose a color and also a nude lip, but if you prefer the blue glosses, it would put a gloss blue.

not forget to leave room for what you buy there!

Privacy Clausule Example

The flight at the thought (*)

his magnificent speech in 1955, usually translated as "Serenity" ( Gelassenheit ), although it could perhaps more effectively translated as "Dejidad" Martin Heidegger spoke of "the flight from thinking" that characterizes the contemporary man.

quote then a long passage of this conference:

"We have no illusions. All of us, even those who, so to speak, are thinking professionals, we are all very often, poor thought (gedanken-arm) are all too easily lacking in thought (gedanken-of). The lack of thought is a disturbing guests in the world today in and out of everywhere. Because today is making news all the way faster and cheaper and is forgotten in the moment with the same speed. Thus, a public event follows another. The celebrations are getting poorer thinking. Memorial Celebration (Gedenkfeier) and lack of thought (Gedankenlosigkeit) meet and agree perfectly.

However, when we are short of thinking does not give up our ability to think. The use or even necessarily, although oddly, so that in the absence of thought left barren our ability to think. Yet what can only be barren which is itself a basis for growth, for example, a field. A highway, in which nothing grows, it can not ever be a barren field. Just as we can only become deaf because we are hearing and just as we become old only because we were young, therefore also we can only become poor or even lack of thought for the man in the background essence, has the ability to think, "spirit and understanding", and is destined and determined to think. Only that we have knowingly or unknowingly he can also lose or, as they say, get rid of it.

The growing lack of thought thus resides in a process that consumes the very heart of modern man: his flight from thinking. This flight from thinking is the reason for the lack of thought. This flight from the thinking goes along the fact that the man did not want to see or admit. Man today flatly refuse even this flight from thinking. Assert otherwise. Say - and this rightly - that never at any time plans have been made so vast, so varied studies, investigations as passionate as it is today. Certainly. This effort of sagacity and deliberation has its uses, and large. A thought of this kind is essential. But the fact remains that this is a peculiar type thinking.

Its peculiarity is that when planning, research, organize a company, we now always given circumstances. We take into account the calculated intention of a particular purpose. We in advance with certain results. This calculation characterizes all thinking planner and researcher. Such thinking remains calculation even when not operating with numbers or put in motion adding machines and electronic calculators. The thought that counts, calculates, continuously calculates potential new prospects are even richer and more economical. The calculator runs thought a lot to the next, never stopping or pausing to meditate. The calculator does not think is a meditative thinking, not a thought to think towards the prevailing sense in all that is.

There are thus two types of thinking, each of which is in turn in its own way, justified and necessary: \u200b\u200bthe calculator thinking and meditative reflection.

It is this last one that we mean when we say that today's man flees thinking. Anyway, it is replicated, the mere thought did not realize that it is in the clouds, above the reality. Loses foot. No use to tackle everyday business. No benefit to practical realizations.

And finally adds, the mere reflection, meditation and perseverance, it is too "high" for common understanding. This avoidance is only true that meditative thinking occurs spontaneously as little as thinking calculator. Meditative thinking demands sometimes go further. Requires lengthy training. Require more delicate care than any other real job. But also, like the farmer, you should know to wait for the seed to sprout and reach maturity.

Moreover, each of us can, in its way and within its limits, follow the paths of reflection. Why? Because man is the thinking being, that is, meditating. So we need not in any way reflect "high". It is enough that we delay with the near and to meditate about what next, about what concerns each of us here and now; here: in this corner of the homeland, now: at the present time of world events " .

There is a "flight from thinking" when we arrived at a talk (what Heidegger once called
chiaccheria ) which is nothing more or less banal repetition of what were once ideas, but that have become commonplace. There is also a flight to the thinking when it no longer re-memorable, but we assume that images and words are clear. So, as usual dualities as "thought / heart", "theory / practice", "male / female" "Mind / body", "projection / introjection," "spirit / matter", "interior / exterior", "conscious / unconscious" and many others often occur for granted, when the only "fact" that menifiesta its use is that we do not think, and do not pay attention because we have inadvertently given up on clearing the road and walk it, and we are compelled by an avenue built long ago (Pensamento highways calculator) that casts a veil over key issues.

This poverty of thought is present today in all areas and, of course, also in the of psychology, which may have emerged as a specialty just as you leave the thinking and falls into the inertia of a technical thinking (calculator) already assumes what is
psyche, which is " inside "and what" body "or" outside. "

the same if we take for granted that we know what is "the psyche" hide-and-turn claims that
we are no longer in a position to fundamental questions. The progressive identification of psyche with brain follows this path, but also case with speakers, without questioning these "images" and the ideas that involve "of" mental contents "and inadvertently made" the psyche "a continent (and a" space container ") which arise or which "contain" something like "ideas", "images", "feelings" and so on.

Using words
seemingly simple and harmless (just think of the abundant psychological terminology: psyche, complex, function, image, idea, projection, paranoia, hysteria, ego, archetype, will impulse, emotion, feeling, health, pathology, unconscious, delirious ... to name a few) are sealed and the key questions. But words are never safe , and the language demands re-commemoration. While it is possible to speak without thinking and that includes not only daily information, but the content of many conferences, publications, cultural events, essays and disquisitions, websites, blogs, etc .- is not possible to think carefully about unattended language. But this loving care, like so many other dimensions to the attention-meditation that opens, now lives in the forgotten, and budget and undetected ...

This also occurs when approaching the work of a creator, and it is enough here to recall Lacan's statement when asked by Norman Brown:

"Brown is a good example of how a work can be done well aerated, healthy, efficient, intelligent, revealing, with the sole condition that a wit not prevented (indeed, Brown had not addressed these issues ever) will take the trouble to read Freud in the same way as read other things when not previously cretinizado low popularization mystification. For example, people who talk without having ever read Darwin: what is commonly is called "Darwinism" is an idiotic tissue, which can not be said that the phrases that have not been removed quote of Darwin, but not more than a few sentences stitched, with which we intend to solve all and which describes life as a big fight and that everything works with the predominance of the fittest. Just open the work of Darwin to realize that things are more complicated. In the same way that there is a reading of Freud, which is taught in psychoanalytic institutes, which prevents reading Freud with some guarantee of authenticity. " (in Paolo Caruso: Conversations with Levi-Strauss, Foucault and Lacan , ed. Anagram. Also available from this interview here )

this statement can be replaced in the name of Darwin or Freud for that of Jung
, for example, or Heidegger or Nietzsche, to meet the same situation. In all these cases, the thinking has been reduced to an amount of vulgarities available, used precisely to avoid thinking and, thus, open all clear to a deeper reflection Heidegger called "meditative reflection" or simply "meditation" (and not to be confused with any meditation technique: asanas, med. transcendental, and so on. they are NOT thinking or questioning or exercise of the understanding, and also fit within the "flight from thinking") .

(*) This paper was originally published in this blog on July 18, 2008