In "The time of the image in the world" (1938) Heidegger, among other things, wrote:
"A fifth of the modern phenomenon is the de-divinization or loss of gods. This term refers not only to a mere aside to the gods, ie the grossest atheism. For gods loss means the Double process by which, on one hand, and from the moment you put the foundation of the world in the infinite, unconditional, absolute, the image of the Christianized world, and on the other hand, Christianity transforms your Christianity in a world view (the Christian worldview), adapted in this way to modern times. The loss of gods is the state of indecision about God or gods. It is precisely the most part Christianity has played in this event. But, far from excluding religiosity gods loss is responsible for the relationship with the gods becomes a religious experience. When this happens is that the gods have fled. The vacuum result is filled through the historical and psychological analysis of myth.
What conception of beings and what interpretation of the truth behind these phenomena?
will restrict the question to the first mentioned phenomenon, ie science.
What is the essence of modern science?
What conception of beings and truth based on this essence? If we achieve the metaphysical foundation underpinning science as modern science, it is also possible to identify from it the essence of the modern era in general. Today, when we use the word 'science' it means something so essentially different doctrine and scientia of the Middle Ages and the Greek episteme. Greek science was never accurate, because in his heart it was impossible for him outside and did not need to be. So, is completely wrong to say that modern science is more accurate than that of antiquity. Similarly, no one can say that Galileo's theory on free falling bodies is true and that of Aristotle, who said that light bodies aspire to rise, is false, because the Greek conception of the essence of bodies, place, and the relationship between the two, is based on a different interpretation of the entity and therefore determines otherwise than to see and question of natural phenomena. A No one would claim that the literature of Shakespeare is an improvement over that of Aeschylus, but it is still more impossible to say that the modern conception of beings is more correct than the Greek. So if we want to capture the essence of modern science, we must first get rid of the habit of distinguishing modern science against the former only a matter of degree from the perspective of progress.
The essence of what we today call science is research. What is the essence of the research?
It is that self-knowledge, as appropriate to advance, is installed in a field of beings, in nature or history. Here, expedited process means not only the method, procedure, because all required and appropriate to advance an open area in which to move. But just to open up this sector is the fundamental step of research. Occurs when a field of beings, for example, in nature, is projected fundamental trait of natural phenomena. The project will mark the way in which the expedited process of knowledge must be linked to the open sector. This linkage is the rigor of the research. Through the projection of the fundamental feature of rigor and determination, an expedited process ensuring its sector of objects within the realm of being. To clarify this soon cast a glance at the oldest and also more rules of modern science, mathematical physics. To the extent that the current atomic physics also remains a physical one, the essence of what we say here (which is all that matters) can also be applied to it. "
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