In his interesting article on the psychology over S. XX, included in "The philosophical and scientific legacy s. XX "(ed. by Manuel Garrido, Luis M. Valdes and Luis Arenas, ed. Cátedra, pp. 821-840), referring to the last decades of the twentieth century, Julio Seoane refers to" the strong impression that never psychology was so lacking in theoretical or rigorous knowledge, along with the belief that either never had much success and social penetration in all types of public and private institutions of social life "(p.840)
Psychology is breaking in a number of fuzzy techniques to solve" problems "specific, a fragmentation that Seoane writes," gives priority to urgent social problems facing developments systematic, and this makes it appear a multitude of disciplines and specializations with new names and vague grounds, such as political psychology, psycho-oncology, psychology of addiction, the psychology of road safety, the psychology of the family or gender psychology, a few examples of an endless series. This produces a strong scattering of studies inbreeding of researchers and a general neglect of the original sources of psychology. The fragmentation is accompanied by an excessive multiplication of journals, publications, associations .... often useless consumption of institutional, human and economic, and consequent deterioration of intellectual quality "(p. 837)
What does this lack of theoretical foundation, and what is even more problematic, indifference by of psychologists to any attempt to substantiate, and the deterioration of intellectual quality? Possibly
death of psychology, "or at least its dissolution as a unique science, combined with other disciplines as neurophysiology, linguistics and other "or perhaps" its final configuration as a patchwork of ideas together with the purpose of consumption in a mass culture "(p.840)
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