Negativity means W. Giegerich the opposite of positivity or positivity or "positive" (= made empirical, verifiable, certifiable real out-there-ie out-of-world-purely-logical fact that one can refer to statements "ontic" or I can point to the index: this house, this feeling, this, this person, this neuron, this set of neurons, this family, etc. etc. The psychic-this feeling, this emotion, this reaction, etc .- is so "outside" of logic and is as "positive" as the physical.) The "positive" is what exists as an entity and therefore perceive and / or subjected to scientific experimentation. It thus has positive character "Substantial." The downside is just that there is no such entity or as a substance (but no less real) and therefore can not be directly verifiable, tested in laboratory or pointing with the index of common sense like a thing particular or specific set of things).
Giegerich writes: "With respect to positive and negative, perhaps the following idea to put people on the right track. In contrast to the living or the bodies, ie , plants, animals, people, who have a positive existence, "life" has no positive existence, it is not an entity, not a thing. It can not see or touch or prove. Exists only in living things, but not identical with them, because these beings can die, that is, losing his life. It is (obviously) all-negative, absolutely not, because there is simply nothing (rather, is a powerful reality, just not "positive"). We must be careful not to "positivized" which is obviously negative " .
The good deals only with matters of fact and experience (experimentation) rather than the speculative and theoretical. Acts and experiments can be explored by the positive sciences.
This is what would differentiate Giegerich psychology of any science. For Giegerich, and to CG Jung at times of his work, psychology will never be a science, but science is sublethal, is what puts into question all the sciences, but can not be a science among sciences , but below is the view that questions the science itself. Jung saw this at times, but otherwise wanted to be a scientist, an empiricist. For Giegerich psychology or even pretend to be a science, because all the sciences are moving in the positive terrain, science is always talking about facts that are there in front, but are made so subtle as quantum particles, which are always facts, facts reducible to laboratory experiments.
The moment that psychology is "living spirit", a logical process that is expressed through a culture will never be an object that is there in front and can be verified empirically. For Giegerich this is not a limitation, it is an honor. Psychology therefore contain a science, but transferred to a level at which science can not, nor want, nor should it come, because science has never imported the truth. In science the only thing I control is imported, the results, the domain, accuracy, measurability, but never the truth. Maybe in the beginning of science in the eighteenth century, science still confused with the spirit of truth, but at the level where we are today, and has already revealed the history of science where science leads technology and service is necessary for technological and commercial interests and no longer appears as the selfless spirit of seeking truth.
In this M. Heidegger criticized his science, "which is contained in Giegerich, saying that" science does not think "the calculated science, but calculating is not thinking "dialectically," is not into things, but that is break it down into quantities that allow to control them, measure them and dispose of them. Not bad. Is a property company of the Western spirit, but it has nothing to do with the desire for truth, but it has to do with the desire for control, predictability, domination (being a form of what Nietzsche call "will power").
Science is positive. Giegerich psychology to never will be. And a call purporting to be positive psychology, to Giegerich, no logos, no thought, only estimated. Most of the therapies offered today, such as psychology do not want to think, want to dominate, to remove the symptom, make you feel better, sell, persuade, but not interested in truth. Indeed, many even give up the theory, which is the contemplation of truth. Of course, to renounce the theory does not mean that there is an implicit theory. Is there but not seen. They are not interested in it because they want results. It's like the technology, they want control, they want control, and that is fine, but do not have logos not think, do not think explicitly not rise to the level of questioning and making explicit the principles of understanding and awareness is at stake there.