This link is accessible to the full version of "Aurora" (1881) Nietzsche, a work whose full title includes "Reflections on the moral prejudices" that was published after "Human, All Too Human" and "The Wanderer and his Shadow" and immediately before "The Gay Science" and "Thus Spake Zarathustra."
"With this book, Nietzsche says, referring to Aurora - I started my campaign against moral . And Nietzsche is warning: "Where the author seeks the new tomorrow, that delicate blush that is yet to discover and with which begins a new day, or I Jor, a whole series, a whole world of new days? In a reversal of all values \u200b\u200b beef, in a release of all moral values, in a state and a belief in all what until now has been forbidding, despising and cursing. "
consists of five books written mostly as brief aphorisms. The driver issues are: morality, Christianity, philosophy, art and life.
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