In the afternoon we were surprised to see on the cover of the newspaper El Nacional a certificate from the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, which supposedly had a "blunder." I have news! was a mistake from the newspaper did not know whether to call attention to the 4% that we demand for education or ignorance.
This is the cover of the newspaper El Nacional of today:

The font used on the certificate is called Cloister Black and can be downloaded from the Here is the link.
test I put "University" and "Unibersidad" in the same font and I was surprised that there is no error. Look at the test here:

Gothic typeface to be specifically in the letter "v" is set off a hairline that looks like a "b" which can confuse and accentuated over the course printing error because the newspaper does not have much quality.
So having said that, I understand that the newspaper El Nacional should apologize publicly embarrass this institution. We really need 4% for Education, but protesting in this way without knowing, and not masters, and no!
publicist, working as a graphic designer, it was not me who designed the certificate but it is unfair that lack the newspaper El Nacional want to harm the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo for lack of subject knowledge.
Greetings, Javier Vicente
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