Sunday, March 28, 2010

Examples Of Phrases For A Wedding Card

James Joyce. Reading Finnegans Wake

In memory of E.

" If I had known that the end of the tunnel was also the entrance, would not have made the whole trip."
R. Devos., Quoted by J. Allouch

When They Were freudened ... yung and Easily.

out there say that literature should psychoanalysis the work of James Joyce (1882-1941). Not sure but, if so, no other Irish author's book Finnegans Wake as (1939) sound more high-and page by page, "the voice of that debt. Apparently, Joyce freudeneaba from young (not without disgust, Lacan would later say) and can say that his work is a book season, if not Freudian, or afreudeneado.

"A scene at sight. Or dreamoneire. Wich They Shall MemoRise. By her freewritten. Hopely annalykeses for ear That if for eye scars That sumns. (280)
know that in the bookshelves of Joyce in Trieste (birthplace of psychoanalysis in Italy, by the way) lay copies of The Interpretation of Dreams the Psychopathology of everyday life and the book Freud's Witz , their canonical texts, as they say, about the unconscious. But if asked about his relationship with Freud, Joyce liked to say Freud means "joy" in German, English as Joyce. To respond that way, for the writer Ricardo Piglia, Joyce said in some form: "I'm doing the same as Freud." I do not know. But it is true that, as "extreme experience of literature" - Finnegans Wake "is built largely on the formal structure can be inferred from a creative reading of Freud's work: a reading that does not care in the topic but how they develop certain ways, certain forms, certain buildings. "

"And now upright and add them! And plays Be honest! And pullit Into your self, as on manowoman do Another! Candidately, everybody! A mot for amos. Comong, meng, and douh! There Was this, wellyoumaycallher. (396)

Joyce came to reveal who wrote this work based on lapses langways , falsemeaning adamelegy , lowquacity , Any words all in one way soluble, counterpoint words, among other tropes of his own stamp or inspired by Saint Calembournuss (employer cuff), which place the language that inhabits the text as a bridge between the operations of Freud's primary process and a kind of primitive language, "fundamental" Adamic ( past Eve and Adam's ) and residual, made from remnants of other languages, a language that, like all from de Saussure, is a pure system of differences and introduces in each other's language, confusion mare magnum language in which significant sounds of laughter of the Other, his laughter third person ...

"Let Be Orlog thor, Let Be Pauline Irene. Let you be Beeton. And let me be Los Angeles. Now your lenght mesure. Estimate Now my capacity. Well, sour? Is this space of Our couple of hours too dimensional for you, timer? Will You Give you up? How? Fort it? " (154)

During the years of life he absorbed his creation, Joyce called his work a work in progress, or device writing open and changing, river, resulting in a book circular structure that ends exactly at the point where it begins, spelled in the middle of a sentence in the beginning ( Riverrun, which refers to the River Liffey ) and final ( A way alone to last a loved a long the ). Already in the first paragraph, in effect, announcing the conception of the history of Vico ( commodious vicus ), the Italian philosopher who saw her pass a round trip . In the course of the Joycean book, it is clear that the path leads nowhere, is not nothing, at least nothing special ("no is concerned with the subject ") because, as stated in the known expression of Beckett, Joyce did not write about something and wrote, however, something .
"But boy, you did your strong nine furlong mile slick and lapstick in record time and at far fectched It Was deed in troth, champion docile, with your high bouncing gait of going and your feat of passage Will Be contested with and you-through you, for Centuries to come. phaynix The sun rose to smother historical sanks Erebia Before. " (473)
In Finnegans Wake words seem less far away from things, and I would even say, to the extent que escriben algo - se acercan a hacerse cosas.
"Withr a clonk? Vartman! See you not soo the pfath they pfunded, oura vatars that arred in Himmal, harruad bathar namas, the gow, the stiar, the tiagara, the liofant, when even thurst was athar vetals, med trefoils slipped the sable rampant, hoof, hoof, hoof, hoof, papadopodopudupedding on fattafottafutt. Ere we are! Signifying, if tungs may tolkan, that primeval conditions gradually receded but nevertheless the emplacement of solid and fluid having to a great extent persisted through intermittences of sullemn fulminance, sollemn nuptialism, sallemn sepulture and providential divining, making possible and inevitable events, after a time has a historical tense haves and havenots hesitency, at the place and Socially Period under consideration for organic entity of a millenary military maritory morphological Monetary circumformation more or less in a state of equonomic Ecolube Settled equalobe equilab equlibrium. Gam on, Gearge! Nomorphemy for me! "(599)

Therefore, although it has been called (to and from the right)" unreadable "is a book that, when read, ask the reader to read aloud. In addition to physical support for the writing, the materiality of the letter, Joycean word requested from the body through the breath, the enunciation of the word significant. In the language of the text (an Englishman, to say of Philippe Sollers, after the book makes such language no longer exists, ie making English a dead language; paradoxical mixture of drives, because it is really a organic tongue) the word is in constant tension to the body.

Perhaps this is why Lacan said that "if Finnegans Wake is legible, it is not this the joy of who wrote it."
"In the house of breathings lies that word, all fairness. The walls are of rubinnen and the glittergates of elfinbone. The roof herof is of massicious jasper and a canopy of Tyrian awning rises and still descends to it. A grape cluster of lights hangs therebeneath and all the house is filled with the breathings of her fairness, the fairness of fondance and the fairness of milk and rhubarb, and the fairness of roasted meats and uniomargrits and the fairness of promise with consonantia and avowals. There lies her word, you reader!" (249)
Aquí en la voz del autor:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

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FROM: TO Sigmund Freud: Jacques Lacan

In the previous post I mentioned the acknowledgment of Freud's thesis Lacan. Here is the image of the card he received in response to the submission of his doctoral thesis on paranoia ("case Aimée), which was its first foray into the Freudian field (it must be remembered Lacan came to psychoanalysis via the, so called, psychosis), if the author had not considered so, why had written to the inventor of psychoanalysis?. The laconic card, dated in Vienna on January 8, 1933, reads: "Thank you for submitting your thesis."

As Lacan did not specify clearly resident (lived in Rue de la Pompe, but resident in Boulogne) Freud had to enter two addresses in the mail.

Is the issue so little interest in Freud is not even deigned to open the manuscript?

Before the field psychoanalytic or psychiatric Lacan's thesis was recognized artists and scholars. In February 1933, Paul Nizan was the first to write a glowing review, in May of that year was one of René Crevel in the same vein, and the first issue of Minotaure ( the same that Lacan published his article "The problem of style and design paranoid psychiatric forms of experience") of June, Salvador Dalí wrote about Doctor's thesis: "A she owe us an idea first homogeneous and total of the phenomenon outside the miseries mechanistic psychiatry is bogged down stream. "So as things in the distant year of 1933. There were still three more to Lacan first made known its views on the stadium mirror, "the brush" as he liked to say, that allowed him to jump right to psychoanalysis, and make the walk, we might add, he had left in the field of psychiatry.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Starry Backyard Registration

André Breton. Dictionary of Surrealism

The relationship between psychoanalysis and Surrealism were a sort of liaisons dangereuses. They say, among other things, that psychoanalysis was a decisive influence on the genesis and development of Surrealism. It is said that at first because Breton, founder of the movement, and other surreal and sometimes it said. But it also says that Freud and Breton never understood and that the creator of psychoanalysis to distance the company surreal, cordially, by way of misunderstanding.

December 26, 1932, in response to the dispatch of communicating vessels Breton, Freud wrote him a letter to the author just like this:
"And now a confession, should you accept with grace: While I receive so many proofs of interest you and their friends have by my research, I myself am not able to clarify what is and wants to surrealism. Maybe I'm not made for that, I am so far from the art. "
Perhaps as noted Starobinsky, in confessing his lack of understanding, the suspect hid Freud had not been understood by the Surrealists. You may want to record, to his psychoanalysis in the context of certain scientists, Freud shun the mysticism that permeated Bretonnians proposals, as surrealism, in his quest for "magic realism", got the same bag mediumistic phenomena, " The Science of Sleep "(unfortunate title of the first French translation of the Traumdeutung ) or mental automatism Jacksonian psychiatry. Also, to be incompetent in matters of art, surrealism, Freud seemed to reduce the field of aesthetics, which might well sound like offense in the ears of Breton, whose movement sought (Like other avant-garde art) blur the boundaries between art and life.

Anyway, the aforementioned confession of Freud did not fail to affect the place of "patron saint" (as he ironically said Stefan Zweig) assigned to it by surrealism. Breton was quick to criticize Freud, to refer exclusively to the past denied the prophetic value of dreams in the immediate future (and thus refused to Breton, the movement of desire). Mysticism Freud and Breton fled from academic. Between psychoanalysis and Surrealism was largely misunderstood.

But misunderstandings in psychoanalysis, as is known, often fruitful, and lo and behold someone like Jacques Lacan himself was meant with the Surrealists. While their arrival to psychoanalysis not be explained without their comings and goings by shackles of surrealism. It has been said, too, that Lacan found a reference in the runout inspiring subject and radical questioning of the status of the object that prompted surrealism. Also at the time Freud accused icy receipt of the doctoral thesis of Lacan, Dalí studied and developed with fury from her his "method paranoiac-critical ".

Freud is said that he sympathized the histrionic madness, because it pretended pretender to the true (Pessoa), and poet who was, Salvador Dali, who, incidentally, liked doing portraits Freud (see the gallery of this blog ). And the painter at inflated eyes assured that when taking the last of them, he knew that Freud did not take long to die, because he saw him dead when he stood, as if by painting and dreamed I saw it in a prophetic dream, the kind to which he denied existence.

Rather than communicating vessels, the history of encounters and clashes, there were parallels and intersections between surrealism and psychoanalysis seems to create a kind of hinge between Freud and Lacan, each by opening or closing the door on that real the surrealism that would be good to study.

copy some entries Dictionary of Surrealism (1938) for fun, poetic, or just interesting:

René Magritte. Portrait

ABSURD. "... These reasoners as common, incapable of rising to the logic of the Absurd" (Baudelaire). "... The derangement of logic to the absurd, the use of absurdity to reason ..." (Paul Eluard).

ALPHABET. "The magical alphabet, the mysterious hieroglyph only come to us incomplete and distorted, either by time, either by those who are interested in our ignorance, let us find the missing letter or the sign removed, recompose the dissonant scale and and take power in the world of the spirit "(Nerval)

LOVE. "The mutual love, the only one here could interest us, is one that brings into play the usual lack of practice, imagination in the vulgarity, the perception of internal object in the external object "(André Breton and Paul Eluard)." Love and is not intended to be beyond of good and evil, but simply, love makes all evil good and at least one more "(René Crevel).

DISTRESS. lamp that smokes with the sounds of sword.

A Vion. "The plane is a sex symbol, used to quickly go from Berlin to Vienna" (attributed to Freud)

CHANCE. "The chance would be the manifestation of external necessity which opens a path in the human unconscious "(André Breton)

RATIO." You can express the essential step of saying that surrealism is to calculate the ratio of incosnciente by the conscious "(Pierre Naville)

Eidetic." created by ER Jaensch term to designate a willingness to see the recent memories, so that project externally, by way of an afterimage "(Ed. Claparède) .

MEETING. "What was the critical juncture of his life? How this meeting gave him the impression of accident, what is necessary? (Survey surreal Minotaure, 1933).

Erotica. Glittering ceremony held in a basement.

FAMILY. "I am the grandfather, father, father, brother, brother-in-law, daughter in law, cousin, godfather and the priest of the current pope" (André Breton and Paul Eluard).

GHOST. "Simulation of the volume. Stability obese. Immobility or mobility suspect. Affective contours. Perimeter metaphysical. Subsidence exhibitionist. Silhouette phenomenal. Angustia architecture. Examples of ghosts: Freud, de Chirico, Greta Garbo, the Mona Lisa, etc.. (Salvador Dali).

TALK. "Loose talk is the formula for liberation" (Novalis).

hymen. "Human." (Michel Leiris).

LANGUAGE. "Everything can be described -verbis. All activities are or may be accompanied by words, like all representations may be accompanied by me" (Novalis ). "Oh, mouths, man is looking for a new language, which the grammar of any language will have nothing to say" (Apollinaire). "We need few words to express the essence, we need all the words to make it real .... The winning words "(Paul Eluard).

MADNESS." Corazón devoted to piety, to the walls of dead wood. "Locos in the odor of thinking" (Paul Eluard)

MOTHER . 'My mother is a top of which my father is the string "(André Breton and Paul Eluard).

NERVES." Long live the people who have the nerve thick as cables "(Lichtenberg).

neurasthenia. "One word that has no shame, a shadow of cassis between two similar eyes" (Paul Eluard).
. "The ready made and made ready aides, selected objects or compounds by Marcel Duchamp in 1914, are the first Surrealist objects. André Breton, in Introduction au Discours sur le peau de Realite (1924), intends to manufacture and put into circulation "certain objects that are visible only in dreams" (object dream). In 1930, Salvador Dali builds and defines the symbolic functioning objects (object that lends itself to a minimum of mechanical and is based on fantasies and representations that can be caused by the realization of unconscious acts). Symbolic functioning objects were undertaken following the moving object and dumb Giacometti suspended ball that met all the essential principles that have defined above are in line with its own resources to sculpture. With the advent of surrealism there is a fundamental crisis of the object. Only very careful consideration of the many speculations on this subject has led public to understand the full extent of the current temptation surrealism ( real and virtual object, moving object and mute, phantom object, object, interpreted, embedded object, be-object etc.). In parallel, surrealism drew attention to various categories of objects that exist outside it natural object, object disturbed, objet trouvé, mathematical object, object involuntary, etc.

Marcel Duchamp. Ready-made

PARANOIA. "Delirium of interpretation that brings a systematic structure. / / paranoiac-critical activity: spontaneous method irrational knowledge based on critical and systematic observation of delirious associations and interpretations" (Salvador Dali).

Pataphysics. "The pataphysical is the science of imaginary solutions, which symbolically gives guidelines the properties of the objects described by their virtuality "(Jarry).

PERCEPTION." We can confirm the presence or perception of an object is present and perceived, when it is absent and perceived, when you're not or perceived "(Pierre Quercy).

PROJECT." Above subject, beyond the immediate object, modern science is based on the project . In scientific thought, meditation object by the subject always takes the form of the draft. "(Gaston Bachelard)

REPRESENTATION." Conventional representations geometric sources of nature are only based on their seductive power blackout. "(André Breton and Paul Eluard)

KNOW." I knew everything, so I tried to read between the streams of tears "(Nadja) .

SEX. "The ancestor was no apparent sex and upon arrival the word began to develop to achieve something near perfect between the beings of the first training. This caused sensations and surprises. Eh! What do I have? sex. You know what I have? Do you know what? the former, is a sex . You know what? this ex is sex es, este exceso. El sexo fue el primer exceso; causó y causa todos los excesos... ¿ Qué tengo, qué tengo? ¿qué que tengo? queque tengo. ¿Qué tengo qué es? queque es. ¿Qué es te? Quequete. ¿ Qué que tú quieres? queque tú quieres. ¿ Qué tengo, qué es, que sea? ¿Qué tengo, que sexo sea? ¿kekséksa? " (J. P. Brisset).

SUEÑO. "Los hombres cuando sueñan trabajan y colaboran en los acontecimientos del universo" (Heráclito).

TÚ. "Donde no existe el tú; no hay me, and the distinction between me and you, the basis of all personality and all consciousness, is only done in a living way in the difference between men and women. The art thou among women and men have a completely different sound than the monotonous you friends "(Feuerbach).

ONE." The One manifests three "(Jarry).

communicating vessel." All I want, all I think and feel, leads me to a particular philosophy of immanence whereby the surreality be contained in reality itself, and it would be superior nor exterior to it. And conversely, because the continent would also the content. It would be almost like a communicating vessel between the mainland and the content "(André Breton).

ME." I is another. If copper bugle wake up is not their fault "(Rimbaud).

Salvador Dalí. The Persistence of Memory (detail)

From: André Breton, , DICTIONARY OF SURREALISM , Losada, 2007 .