I hang on the website of the Centre, with the kind permission of Ale Bica who posted on his blog, one fragment of Jung's Collected Works, vol. 9 / 1 in which, among other things, Jung writes:
As such, there is no objection to this. Nobody forced the Romans to import Asian religions as an article of mass consumption. If the Germanic peoples had really felt a visceral aversion to that Christianity "outside the race" could have easily removed him after he had declined the prestige of the Roman legions. Nevertheless remained, because it is the archetypal base existing. But over the centuries became something that would have astonished, and not a little, its founder, if he had seen him, and could also result in some kind of historical reflection on Christianity professed by the blacks and Indians America. Why then is not going to assimilate Western Eastern forms? The Romans also went to Eleusis, to Samothrace and Egypt for initiation rites. In Egypt it seems there was even a real genre tourism.
The gods of Greece and Rome perished, victims of the same disease that our Christian symbols, then as now discovered men that they lacked content. Instead, the gods still had not spent mana. Their names were strange and unintelligible, and what they did, with a suggestive dark, very different from the much-touted "scandalous chronicle" of Olympus. Those Asian symbols in any case, it is understood and therefore were not trivial as the traditional gods. But the fact of adopting the new in a manner so rash as originally discarded old at the time was not a problem.
Is it a problem today? Symbols finishes, raised in exotic land, soaked with blood of others, spoken in foreign languages, fed alien culture, passed along a story of others, can we dress them as we get a new dress? A beggar who is wrapped in a royal robe? A king who is disguised as a beggar? Is possible, no doubt. Or is there in us, somewhere, a restraining order masquerades but perhaps even make your own coat? "
can read the full extent biting here
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