Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Jung talking about poverty Wolfgang Giegerich

I hang on the website of the Centre, with the kind permission of Ale Bica who posted on his blog, one fragment of Jung's Collected Works, vol. 9 / 1 in which, among other things, Jung writes:

" Protestant man has reached a state of helplessness that may terrify the primitive man. For its part the consciousness of the enlightened man does not want to hear about it, yet quietly looking anywhere else that has disappeared in Europe. Wanted Images and effective forms of perception that can calm the restlessness of the heart and intellect, and is the entire body of the East.

As such, there is no objection to this. Nobody forced the Romans to import Asian religions as an article of mass consumption. If the Germanic peoples had really felt a visceral aversion to that Christianity "outside the race" could have easily removed him after he had declined the prestige of the Roman legions. Nevertheless remained, because it is the archetypal base existing. But over the centuries became something that would have astonished, and not a little, its founder, if he had seen him, and could also result in some kind of historical reflection on Christianity professed by the blacks and Indians America. Why then is not going to assimilate Western Eastern forms? The Romans also went to Eleusis, to Samothrace and Egypt for initiation rites. In Egypt it seems there was even a real genre tourism.

The gods of Greece and Rome perished, victims of the same disease that our Christian symbols, then as now discovered men that they lacked content. Instead, the gods still had not spent mana. Their names were strange and unintelligible, and what they did, with a suggestive dark, very different from the much-touted "scandalous chronicle" of Olympus. Those Asian symbols in any case, it is understood and therefore were not trivial as the traditional gods. But the fact of adopting the new in a manner so rash as originally discarded old at the time was not a problem.

Is it a problem today? Symbols finishes, raised in exotic land, soaked with blood of others, spoken in foreign languages, fed alien culture, passed along a story of others, can we dress them as we get a new dress? A beggar who is wrapped in a royal robe? A king who is disguised as a beggar? Is possible, no doubt. Or is there in us, somewhere, a restraining order masquerades but perhaps even make your own coat? "

can read the full extent biting here

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You'd like to get inside my head

Anyone who has read my previous post will know that four days ago was my birthday, I have not updated with pictures or anything like that because I am preparing a video a video in which show little clips of how it has been. It'll take a few weeks to upload it because I'm still celebrating, tonight I have dinner with a group of friends in celebration and next Saturday will do the same with another group different friends.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

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Inconsistencies - 250411

And to think I said I was going to start updating more often, although the blog turning into a personal project ... I'm fine.

♠ That damage has been done technologies, rather than maintain a lively conversation, young people today, including myself included, are attached to their mobile phones and do not remove their eye on their screens, half of which I am included, but only half, pulling rather sparingly, only when I'm bored.

♠ Wear
days trying to update, but is out of laziness, for lack of content or photos whenever I leave it for later and it ends up happening, I do not update.

♠ Today I saw the movie based on real events Facebook and I guess that was the main reason he has given me the push to update today, there is no success without commitment, folks. Besides so, tomorrow is my birthday and that might also help.

♠ Honestly, I'm desperate to leave the institute, as soon as possible to finish the race (although the latter does not worry me much, for the moment) and start working, I think I've mentioned more than one Instead the case, I'm crazy to grow, but now that my birthday is coming I do not want a birthday, I feel it has gone too fast and I have not had time to get organized, is a strange feeling, I can not explain it.

Does Velicity Von Do Drugs?

symbols and psychology "Jungian" Dialectic and shock today

I hang on the website of the Centre a article with references W. Giegerich state analytical psychology today . Giegerich's criticisms are precise and accurate, although they are received on a "personal". For as the author says in the article: "in the world of the mind (in contrast to the narcissism of the ego personality), criticism is always constructive."

To read the article, just itching here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

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I just published on the website of a fragment of the Book Centre of W. Giegerich "Dialectics and Analytic Psychology. The El Capitan Canyon Seminar" , which clearly explains the difference between dialectical thought and conception (Jung) "clash of opposites." Is a transcription made by Ale Bica reading and text comment I made at the Seminar on Logic of the Soul Life few years ago.
The text can be read here itching

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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Jacques Lacan. Autres écrits

Jacques Marie Émile Lacan was born on April 13, 1901.

Low risk for an "intellectual deception", the arithmetic will tell if the numbers do not fool today that 110 years ago. In 2001, exactly 10 years (again the science of round number), publisher Seuil took the title of Autres écrits (Other Writings) , a set of texts Lacan previously published (except two), but not assembled in volume until the occasion of its centennial, were selected by Jacques-Alain Miller and meeting in this compilation.

While several of these writings have been published in English (about half), the entire book remains unpublished. Thinking that the only Lacan book as such ( Ecrits, for his doctoral thesis would not be in the same way) was translated to this language before anyone else, the situation gets bad, I would even say a lack, a hole, something like a black hole in the galaxy (I think Haroldo de Campos on Lacan ) analytic writing in Castilian.

It is if one considers, as is the case in this blog, that Other s writing is an essential complement to the writings .

Click here pdf download the book in French.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Brother Inviting His Friends For Sisters Marriage

Greg Mogenson opposites: the tautological assumption

Translation Enrique Eskenazi

thank the author's kind permission to translate and publish this article

Introduced in our literature by Giegerich (1), the tautological assumption is a heuristic that makes the definition of truth Hegel, as the identity of identity and difference, in operational terms a praxis even as reflexively enables the interpreter to "see through" the externality and immediacy sensory representational form myths, fairy tales, dreams and other cultural products so that single situation or mood expressing truth can be known from within.

As implied by the etymology of the word, the interpretation is so concerned to "say" ( legein ) "same" ( tauton ), that is, discern, in very different and even opposite, sameness that qualify as internal moments of each other.

Consider for example a dream in which the figure of the dreamer is stalked by a murderer. A first possible reaction to such a dream could be taken literally modeled on a similar event in real life. This, however, not take us too far. Real life is a world of existing entities in external relations, which is what first makes possible an act as murder. The dream, in contrast, is an interior drama of imaginal figures that mirror each other in a way that is allegorical significance. The murderer of sleep, far from being an external entity, independent and self-identical, is a mental picture is essential for the description of the truth that has the dream. The murderer himself is the self-of-dream or paying tribute to both describe notional substance, we might even say "the real murderer."

The same applies to the figures in a fairy tale or a myth. Bluebeard is not an external one with respect to the frightening maiden (2). Nor is Hades for Persephone. Rather, as those hands in the MC Escher drawing that themselves are drawn, both are mutually constituting figures, whose relations with each other, far from the relations of separate and distinct people in the social world, are like letters have relationships in the formation of a word, or that have the words in the formation of a sentence. No matter how jumbled it may seem that even the interpreter does not distinguish the forest from the trees, only reading them the way of "saying the same "in the tautological assumption we can deepen the implications with regard to consciousness and what they show about the life of the soul. And here we can remember a phrase that expresses succinctly Giegerich tautological assumption in the form of a saying: "But there is another psychology. Or there is another one's own "soul", the other internal, ie herself while other "(3)

The tautological assumption is again to our aid to consider the significance of developments in the plot and scene changes. Here, as before, it is not external relations, ie a situation that happens to another. Then when they are tautologically reflect the sameness that qualify, the imaginative mind what has variously represented as subsequent events and scene changes can be seen as bringing to light the implications inherent in the unique situation that has been operational since the beginning .

Greg Mogenson


(1) W. Giegerich, The Soul's Logical Life: Towards a Rigorous Notion of Psychology (Frankfurt am Main: Peter LANG, 1998), PP. 119-123. Para un ejemplo exhaustivo del uso interpretativo de la presuposición tautológica, ver el capítulo 6 de este libro.

(2) W. Giegerich, “The Animus as Negation and as the Soul’s Own Other. The Soul’s Threefold Stance toward Its Experience of Its Other ”, en Soul-Violence , Collected English Papers, vol. III, pp. 111-167.

(3) W. Giegerich, DL Miller, G. Mogenson, Dialectics and Analytical Psychology: The El Capitan Canyon Seminar (New Orleans: Spring Journal Books, 2005), p. 26. For examples of interpretive use of the tautological assumption, see Chapters 1 and 2 of this book.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

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'm The One Who Tells You What to do

This entry is a bit incongruous, but I do not think that enters into that section. It is not at all, I do not want to saturate.

an invisible man ...


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When it seemed that the sun began to peek and threats to keep good time, goes and bothers us the weekend ... if esque, something more unpredictable than the weather there.
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Maa Zabytków Pragi

Lucian Freud. Jacques Lacan

Pinto people, not what they wanted to be, but so are
Lucian Freud

Yesterday, Christie's announced for June 28 auction box Woman smiling (smiling Woman ), the only individual portrait that Lucian Freud has made Suzy Boyt, who was his student, then lover and eventual third wife and mother of five children. Born in 1922, Lucian Freud (grandson of Sigmund ) is one of the most important living artists, and perhaps the most expensive work today.

In the 1950's, began to develop the style and technique of the portraits full of expressive gestures and body that have become famous. Woman smiling production data that the artist made between 1958 and 1959 (right after his second marriage dissolved in Mexico), and is considered by critics as the most representative of a decisive turning point in the path of Freud . The initial price will range between six and seven million dollars.

good thing is that adequate notice time to spare. Here

note at Universal.

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Star For Date Birth Feb 24

W. Giegerich and analytical psychology today

Excerpt from Response Responses Mogenson, Miller, Beebe and r Pulver, 2004. Wolfgang Giegerich

Translation Alejandro Bica

From the moment he was still in my Jungian training, I felt it was not enough the need for analysts to submit to a personal analysis before patients are under analysis, but also "The Third of the two", ie psychological theory (as the framework for all work in the consulting room), you need a similar criticism. Therefore, it is with great pleasure to note that John Beebe in his response shows and does full justice to the motivation and the spirit of my criticism Jung in my present trial ( The End of Meaning and the Birth of Man ). I feel completely understood when my work recognized in "not an argument with a soul, but an argument from the soul" , they appreciated my criticism of Jung's psychology as a critical next but rolling out its internal contradictions.

My purpose is not, of course, Jung left behind, but to advance our understanding of the internal logic and the origin of the tradition of thought to which we belong. And when Beebe makes this wonderful statement " feel that nothing more would have liked Jung psychology to know that his dream would be even more, until he no longer needed, and that awareness and knowledge will have replaced" , Beebe attributed not only-and I think properly, "a noble spirit to Jung, but also displays his own noble thought and psychological wisdom. For indeed, what is at stake is the consciousness, not the person.

Beebe's warning against jumping to the conclusion on the basis of my work, "that the practice of Jungian analysis has lost its raison d'être and will now only be an anachronism" is as justified as when questions about "how Jung's thought Giegecich prefer to retain their readers" . Although not wish to express any preference about the intellectual options of my readers, some comments about what I want, or need, can take place. I excluded deliberately from my article a discussion of the lasting achievements of Jung. First, its purpose was not a balanced assessment of the draft Jungian psychology as a whole, but only a discussion of their psychology "in light of the question of meaning" . Second, including a discussion of the positive achievements of Jung might have supported the misconception that a review is so terrible that require immediate comfort. But in the world of the mind (in contrast to the narcissism of the ego personality), criticism is always constructive. Third, this could have created the impression that he was unwilling to take care of my relentless criticism of this aspect of the psychology of Jung that I am, and wanted to prove that I am a "good" Jungian, after all. Criticism and praise should not be offset each other, because then every one of them neutralize each other, instead of living each in its own right and with full force.

What I value above all among the achievements of Jung (apart from the multitude of wonderful psychological insights about individual phenomena) is (1) he had, and he based his psychology on a notion very clear of the soul as a reality own right (as opposed to the idea of \u200b\u200b"the psyche of human beings"), (2) he knew that psychology had become interested in the content, the substance and not merely formal mechanisms and relationships, (3) that realized that "without history there can be no psychology" , and in-depth understanding of archetypal symbols opened the way for an archeology of the soul, (4) that on the individual and in the consulting room can only be a minor aspect of the full reality of the soul and personal neurosis that is much more than a problem of a particular person and (5) that his idea and his work as a therapist were informed by a true sense and commitment to the singular (the individuum ineffabile ), both with respect to people like all the time ( in contrast to the usual abstraction of "cases", "case histories", "clinical diagnosis", "techniques to be applied, etc..) The implication of all these points, quite remarkable and unique in their time-would require a long discussion. As mentioned particularly Beebe "the practice of Jungian analysis" , I just want to say here, that is precisely when one is free from the burden of having to find "meaning" (which is ultimately the burden of having to "save the world"), working with individual patients can be deeply rewarding and exciting and hopefully reach a point where the patient can begin to lead a meaningful personal life.

Beebe analysis of the relationship between Jung and Hegel in terms of feature / function extraverted-introverted intuitive thinking is certainly instructive. But I'm really happy when it goes beyond the categories typological, reminding the reader that for me the thought is not a function of consciousness (in the sense of the typology of Jung). The danger of applying attitudes Jungian typology and functions to the arguments (psychological, theological, philosophical, etc.) Is that it tends to place each of those who argue, as it were, in their own separate world, so instead of being (and possibly conflicting) minds, we have different visions encapsulated within themselves and unable to come into contact with each other.

As other hand, I would like to mention here that in the event "however, Jung developed in his essay on the transcendent function something that is very similar to Hegel's dialectic" the words "seems" should be taken as referring to the "mere appearance" in the sense of an illusion. Beebe I can have made this comment, in the back of his mind, with an article published by a Jungian few years ago, an article that purported to show that the "transcendent function" Jung and the (as it was) "dialectical model" (!) of Hegel were indeed parallel, but in reality has been a lack of understanding of Hegelian thought. Without doubt, the mechanical scheme of thesis-antithesis-synthesis is a cliché often repeated, but this is not Hegel, who instead think in terms of "mediation" and "sublation" ( Vermittlung and Aufhebung ).

especially happy that makes me realize Beebe and have "trust [feeling the sense of thinking of my article] in the thought process that undoes its own moments that prevent psychological thinking" . One might say that this is the confidence of the "alchemist" in me.

But alas! As an observer of what is happening today, I must admit that my confidence is a confidence to despair. Is there still a chance for analytical psychology? Are they still thought, mind and soul of analytical psychology, or perhaps our field (which no doubt is already in the business of sell "soul" ) has lost its own soul - "wasting [his] psychological heritage" ? Certainly, not everyone in psychology must be serious thinkers. You can be a good practitioner without being an intellectual. But what does it mean for a field if not value intellect, nor regarded as vital concern to produce a new generation of intellectuals? How can assert and hold as such a field before having to cast it to dogs, if it lacks intellectual ideas?

And do analytical psychology has not been sold in the market popularity? Have not fallen down to be nothing more than a service provider, a provider of health services, on the one hand, and on the other, the gratification of emotional needs and "spiritual" (ego needs)? If you look at what they are publishing the Jungians in general and what is taught in Jungian training institutes, one is impressed by the syncretistic mishmash of ideas and techniques that flow from all type of heterogeneous sources. It seems that almost anything goes and it does not matter. And anyone who has a license as an analyst feels authorized to give opinions, which are as free associations about what he wants. Where is the authority within the field that could give the measure and its identity, an authority that would be the equivalent of what an individual's moral life is called conscience? It seems that today there are only three governing authorities in the field of analytical psychology, and all of which are false. Is in the field of analytical psychology Jung's authority and what he taught (the dogmatic concept of authority), is the authority of "what sells" (which sold both in the market or what it sells to both the individual Jungian personally), then is from outside bureaucratic authority of legal norms and regulations of professional societies, the authority of the mechanical requirements of "quality of material" Blind plans or evaluation, or peer review, ethics committees, etc. This third form of authority is not limited to psychology, on the contrary, its extension is powerful, even overwhelming in the society at large, a trend that one side seeks to systematically undermine personal responsibility and intellectual ethics, and On the other hand, respect for the mind, and replace both standardized control mechanisms, in other words, is the final victory of fascism, not a crude and literal, but in a refined, sublimated. Certainly, there is reason for despair.

But then, taking into account the nature of high-level responses have been given to my essay and the reception I get from this magazine and its editor, I can also say that my confidence above in the process of thought are still feeding.

W. Giegerich