Hello, bloggers! In the previous post and warned them that he would update the blog much more often, I feel more wanted, and probably also noticed this blog were to become much more personal, so today inaugurated the entry section consecutively.
I have called this section Inconsistencies because it will be a section that I serve as room retreat, tell me what comes to mind as I come to mind. Claudia pure.

♠ Yesterday we were all day through the center of the city buying birthday gifts, which by this time we always have a lot, and between running and decided to trot relax at Starbucks, where we take the liberty to take some pictures. I note that these photos may cause psychological damage in susceptible individuals. I warn you.
I had already mentioned that the head was seme.
♠ One of my friends had bought the spare Free to be M EAR C, a pink something orange in principle was seeking shade Coral, who as well its name is coral color, but to be Pro only had to paddle and she has no pallets, plus I was exhausted (the color of this spring / summer), so I decided to buy Free to be it was quite similar, slightly less orange, but like the end of the day. The shadow Coral is what put him in the makeup course we went and loved it, but I would not have risked with a color so intense.
♠ addition
not know if you've noticed, but I changed the width of the blog, it cost me a lot. First find a way for Google and then get it with HTML code, that was the worst, a I was messing hour minimum, almost like giving up, but I love the result, is the width had been looking almost since I opened the blog, I promise, but I never had as seriously trying to change. Anyway I will continue editing the blog these days, will be small changes.
♠ I hope, at least, not boring them by this new section. The truth is that I liked writing it.
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