After Testo Junkie (Espasa Calpe, 2008), singing autofictivo to testosterone as a drug and enthronement of the phallus as real axis of culture (* fascinating text, if any, despite criticism some punks psychoanalysis and more than a contradiction unsolvable), Beatriz Preciado returns to the publishing scene with a book that examines how Playboy, the rule of Hugh Hefner, the Cold War became a cornerstone of "capitalism farmacopornográfico." According to the thesis of the author, was farmacopornográfica in which we live is characterized by the production of subjectivity dominated by a culture of consumption and the pursuit of sexual pleasure, which are the effect of placing operation of real devices control and regulation of the human body. So
Preciado ensures that, far from being a mere magazine for men "- Playboy is an architectural project of large proportions (think of the famous mansions designed by Hefner to house the bunnies) whose ultimate goal was to move to the" house heterosexual "as a center of consumption and reproduction by proposing new areas of production of pleasure. "I think Playboy is for contemporary political philosophy as the steam engine was to Marx," he said in an interview, "a model of economic production and cultural imperative to think of mutations that occur in the second half of the century XX ".
Preciado ensures that, far from being a mere magazine for men "- Playboy is an architectural project of large proportions (think of the famous mansions designed by Hefner to house the bunnies) whose ultimate goal was to move to the" house heterosexual "as a center of consumption and reproduction by proposing new areas of production of pleasure. "I think Playboy is for contemporary political philosophy as the steam engine was to Marx," he said in an interview, "a model of economic production and cultural imperative to think of mutations that occur in the second half of the century XX ".
Preciado, photographed by Lydia Lunch
After reading the work of prices is not possible to hear a concept like sexual identity Baudelaire not remember when he said that, if put together, certain words howl. This is political philosophy.
tycoon, his famous bathrobe and his girls
* More than ever in the sense that it is the Latin etymology: fascinus = phallus