Who you are voting on Sunday? I'm voting for the PSOE I do not want to win the PP
You? I will vote for the PP because I hate the PSOE and I want to win.
Voting " not win one for the other? That would be the logical choice if we lived in a country where there are only two games. To the surprise of many, is not the case, and thanks to Article 1 of the Preliminary Title of the Constitution have guaranteed political pluralism, but this being so, how is it possible for new generations unfamiliar with the wide range of existing parties?
In my opinion this is caused deliberately by the two "titans", two "sharks" who do not accept another shark in the aquarium, the two "children gluttons" avid cake that is the power they give the votes of citizens, of course I mean the PP and PSOE. Of course, guilt is also of ourselves (we were not free ...), people who did not care about politics until a week ago, those who have not read the political agenda of his party or the other, of those who believe that no matter eight eighty.
But this does not end here, there are more guilty, the media themselves who only think about the screen quota, with its debates "Solbes-Pizarro" and "Zapatero-Rajoy agreed to satiety, debates corrupted by image consultants , advisers to control the humidity of the room, the color of the costumes and lighting, measured words that viewers understand the basics and after that go to after seeing television reporters give partial translation of the relevant debate;
- "Rajoy is played much the ring is that he was nervous ..."
- "Zapatero did not support the back in the back that means I was more aggressive ...",
- "Pizarro Solbes praised too and that made him look like the disciple to the master ..."
Where are the proposals? And I refer to proposals authentic, which underlie the electoral and showy; 2500 one, cuts the other who gives more? This all comes down, but a moment ... Zapatero? Rajoy? Do not one else? Ah yes! Gaspar Llamazares and left together, the poor devil that the only way to claim that there is virtualizing him in "Second Life", with flashy videos and offenders for many, but you're lucky, because they can not silence a party that achieved in 2004 1.284.081 votes, but what happens with the small fish? With those parties who want to grow through public support?
These, dear readers, are censored, censored in his lectures, television censored, censored when trying to distribute leaflets.
The thing is clear, "will vote for the PP or PSOE without having read his political program? "One of them will vote only for not voting the other? Or on the contrary will inform you of the parties they can vote and choose the one that is akin to your ideals?
Here's a link where you can watch the matches in Spain in their various territorial
edit censor is the collective human consciousness
Author: John Perry Barlow. Quote courtesy of macuoren
spoke of censorship before emerging parties, many will say, censorship? What democracy? I will explain my position and I think we all reach a similar conclusion.
A party that is currently suffering the consequences of that desire to manage "the roost" is Upyd (Unión Progreso y Democracia) these are some segments of one of the articles written by its leader Rosa Díez in his blog. Http://
"And the local police in Madrid was presented Saturday at the retreat, seeking the Board in which a group of fellow flyers distributed UPyD and taught us a resolution of the Provincial Electoral Board in which we make an act prohibiting Sunday Day two at the same venue we do not reached any decision, and communicated this to our representative. At that time the municipal law enforcement officer warned "if you insist on mounting the event, call the Security Forces of the State to stop him." Curious that on Saturday if they permit those who organized a rally in Madrid which ended in violent clashes and six men ... Curious ANV also organized a rally against orders of Judge Garzon and nothing happens ... "Excerpted from the blog
Rosa Díez
CENSORSHIP There is no other word that best describes this act, perhaps the word fraud, fraud against the constitution by violating its Art, 23.1 " Citizens have the right to participate in public affairs directly or through representatives freely elected in periodic elections by universal suffrage universal. "
is certainly a fraud on all citizens to freely support this party and its ideals. Where are our rights now? Next attempt at censorship, this time by left-wing students
"More than fifty young radicals tried to bust a conference yesterday a spokeswoman for Union, Progress and Democracy in the power Political Science and Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid. On arrival, Rosa Díez was heckled with cries like "fascist." However, thanks to the actions of the security services, the conference could be held. The attack on Rosa Díez is the third political opponents in a week. "
Extracted from Digital Reason. Edeza _
finally held the conference and won the freedom of expression, but ... seems that there is always a but ... the thing would not last long, as shortly after the UPyD conference would be held in Sevilla was banned appealing as an excuse to acts that occurred in the Complutense University of Madrid.
"UPyD, planned to hold a conference next day 5 of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Sevilla, the only writer's participation as a speaker FERNANDO IWASAKI.El Dean of that University College has reported this morning informally the suspension of that conference for fear that riots were to happen similar to those that occurred a few days ago at a university in Madrid with the presence Rosa Díez. UPyD expresses its abhorrence at the fact mentioned and want to report the severity of it, both the fact itself and because its authors are from the University plots again trying to prevent freedom of expression and dissemination of ideas citizens, just because they are different from other political parties present hegemonic in Andalusia. "
News extracted from party website.
That is the price we pay for not being one of the two "Titans", and that is the price paid by those who choose to vote them .
That is the phrase repeated by my peers to tell my intention to vote;
- "Do not vote for coming out on TV is a waste of vote
As I said, throwing the vote is to vote like a puppet driven by political marketing.
But then ...
useful for me to vote is a vote invested in my belief, that which best represent them, and these are the most similar to me.

Politico- program
Training and objectives
Its promoters are the former head of PSE-PSOE Rosa Díez, Professor and former president of Ermua Forum Mikel Buesa and philosophers Carlos Martínez Gorriarán and Fernando Savater .
- the fight against ETA and any kind of terrorism;
- regeneration of democracy in Spain
- opposition to compulsory nationalism (referring to the peripheral nationalisms)
- reform of the Constitution. Its aim would be to strengthen civil liberties and equality, regardless of the autonomous community in which they lived, in his view threatened.
Ideologically, UPyD not defined as left or right as stated in this manifesto:
"Citizens are not born when he is left-or right nor to any card party in diapers [...] do not believe that nobody is obligated to vote all the same or resign themselves to the existing policy options, when you have been disappointed before. Be considered left or right does not seem central to the problem, though we heartily pity those who lack better arguments to disqualify the opponent. To avoid this false dilemma, we prefer to speak of liberalism instead of left or right. Being progressive is to fight against the tyrannies that trample formal democracy and against poverty and ignorance that prevent substantive democracy. And neither the current nor the left parties have a monopoly right wing of progressivism, although both political traditions have contributed to it. We would like to be able to leverage the strengths of one or the other, without having to carry their prejudices and reactionary remnants that exist in both camps. " From his manifesto.
On December 13, 2007 UPyD gave a press conference in which he denounced the treatment of "obvious inequality" received by the English banks denying loans requested and reminded debts of the other political parties with the bank, also claiming that it had made significant cancellations for such training in recent years.
In this context, explained that until that moment UPyD was financed its activities from membership fees and small donations but acknowledged that the party "could not continue this way" and deal with these resources the campaign. They therefore decided to implement a system of personal loan financing. This system consists of the sale of personal loan bonds worth 200, 500 and 1000 euros to finance his campaign.
member of the PSOE was until 2007, when he left the party to found and direct the new party Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD). is the daughter of a socialist workers, who was imprisoned and sentenced to death during the Franco dictatorship but his sentence was eventually commuted.
After breaking the coalition government between PNV and PSE-EE, and the output of Rosa Díez the Basque government, it was increasingly critical of the relationship between the PSE and the Basque nationalists. This position became more evident after the meeting that during the negotiations which took place during 2005 and 2006 ETA, Batasuna maintained leaders with the leadership of the Socialist Party of Euskadi .
is a member of the political platform Basta Ya! against Basque nationalism and ETA terrorism. Since 1991 used an escort due to be threatened by ETA. In November 1997, ETA attempted murder by a parcel bomb sent to her home that failed to explode by a technical fault in its manufacture.
From 1999 to 2007 was MEP. His friction with the direction of the Socialist Party of Euskadi and the PSOE in relation to the peace process with ETA ended on October 25, 2006 with its abstention in the proposal that, in the Parliament, defended the Group of European Socialists support the process, "[] because I've never lived through war, I lived all my life in Euskadi and Euskadi is no lack of peace, we lack freedom. "
In August 2007, announced his departure from the ranks of the PSOE in the face of the creation of a new English political party, Unión Progreso y Democracia. The party intends to present itself as an alternative to the two major national parties in Spain, PP and PSOE in the next general election, regenerate English politics, and propose a reform of the English electoral law and the Constitution, among others.
is the first woman candidate for president of the Government of Spain by a national party and that already marks a positive development in English politics
My opinion
This is my choice to vote, the union of right and left, just as the union of the renegades and the disappointed, out of nationalism and platitudes, they and the public. Support support after vote after vote parties are growing and gaining power, not a job one day and a general election, the party now seems small, although constrained by the large triumph for the will of the people.
I have my vote I already defined.
is that many do not understand and others (the most radical) were to think or say stupid things authentic. This text, from beginning to end is for all of them, from one extreme to another, so that all votes to contemplate some people informed of their ability to vote. Website
Rosa Díez
Website BASTA YA )
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